China Qingdao Port Container Terminal

Time to Stop Feeding the Tiger?

As America grew in the 1800s from a republic of a few millions, whose frontier stopped at the Mississippi, into a world power, there were constant collisions with the world’s greatest empire. In 1812, we declared war on Britain, tried to invade Canada and got our Capitol burned. In 1818, ...

The Unraveling of Sykes-Picot

The thrice-promised land it has been called. It is that land north of Mecca and Medina and south of Anatolia, between the Mediterranean Sea and the Persian Gulf. In 1915—that year of Gallipoli, which forced the resignation of First Lord of the Admiralty Winston Churchill—Britain, to ...

President Barack Obama

The Spectator President

No, this is not Watergate or Iran-Contra. Nor is it like the sex scandal that got Bill Clinton impeached. The AP, IRS and Benghazi matters represent a scandal not of presidential wrongdoing, but of presidential indolence, indifference and incompetence in discharging the duties of chief ...

The Heretic at Heritage

Jason Richwine, the young conservative scholar who co-authored the Heritage Foundation report on the long-term costs of the amnesty bill backed by the “Gang of Eight,” is gone from Heritage. He was purged after The Washington Post unearthed his doctoral dissertation at the JFK School ...

President Barack Obama

Their War, Not Ours

“The worst mistake of my presidency,” said Ronald Reagan of his decision to put Marines into the middle of Lebanon’s civil war, where 241 died in a suicide bombing of their barracks. And if Barack Obama plunges into Syria’s civil war, it could consume his presidency, even ...

Did the Brothers Tsarnaev Fail?

“Whatever they thought they could ultimately achieve, they’ve already failed,” says President Obama of the Boston Marathon bombers. “They failed because the people of Boston refused to be intimidated. They failed because as Americans we refuse to be terrorized.” ...

Is Christianity Homophobic?

That “loving Jesus means hating gay people” is “proclaimed in Christian churches and on Christian television and radio broadcasts.” So declares Dan Savage in his review of Jeff Chu’s Does Jesus Really Love Me: A Gay Christian’s Pilgrimage in Search of God in ...

Where Have All the Workers Gone?

That America created only 88,000 jobs in March, less than half the number anticipated, was jolting news, indicating the recovery that the White House has boasted about may not be at hand. But in that March jobs report, there was more disturbing news. While unemployment fell to 7.6 percent, the ...

missing asset:

Is War With North Korea Inevitable?

“If you see 10 troubles coming down the road, you can be sure that nine will run into the ditch before they reach you,” said Calvin Coolidge, who ever counseled patience over the rash response. Unfortunately, the troubles presented by North Korea’s Kim Jong Un seem unlikely to ...

Today, Cyprus, Tomorrow …

“Government is theft.” The old libertarian battle cry came to mind when the news hit, two weeks ago, that Cyprus was about to confiscate 7 percent of all the insured deposits in the island’s two biggest banks. Nicosia also planned to siphon off 10 percent of uninsured deposits, ...