Vladimir Putin

Do We Really Want a Cold War II?

“There have been times when they slip back into Cold War thinking,” said President Obama in his tutorial with Jay Leno. And to show the Russians that such Cold War thinking is antiquated, Obama canceled his September summit with Vladimir Putin. The reason: Putin’s grant of ...

Obama’s Moment—A Deal With Iran!

In his second term, Richard Nixon had Watergate, but also the rescue of Israel in the Yom Kippur War. In his second term, Ronald Reagan had Iran-Contra, but also a treaty eliminating U.S. and Soviet missiles in Europe, his “tear-down-this-wall” moment in Berlin and his lead role in ...

Weiner & Spitzer—Now More Than Ever!

“Progressivism leads inevitably to utter irrationality and eventually political, as well as moral, chaos.” So writes editor R.V. Young in the summer issue of Modern Age, the journal of which Russell Kirk was founding editor. The magazine arrived with the latest post from our cultural ...

President Barack Obama and Rev. Al Sharpton

Leading From Behind Al Sharpton

“The First Black President ... Spoke First as a Black American,” ran the banner headline of Sunday’s Washington Post. But why, when the fires of anger over the Zimmerman verdict were dying down, did he go into that pressroom and stir them up? “A week of protests outside ...

President Barack Obama

Shut It Down, Mr. President

Trayvon Martin was an unarmed teenager walking home from a convenience store with Skittles and iced tea, when he was shot to death by a racist, profiling wannabe cop named George Zimmerman. In the Big Media, which has relentlessly sought out the voices of those most incensed by the verdict in ...

Why the Reagan Democrats Departed

On Nov. 3, 1969, Richard Nixon, his presidency about to be broken by massive antiwar demonstrations, called on “the great silent majority” to stand by him for peace with honor in Vietnam. They did. Within days Nixon’s approval surged to 68 percent. The ferocious Republican ...

The Pentagon’s Surrender to Feminism

“The Pentagon unveiled plans Tuesday for fully integrating women into front-line and special combat roles, including elite forces such as Army Rangers and Navy SEALs.” So ran the lead on the CNN story. And why are we doing this? Did the young officers leading troops in battle in ...

A Reluctant Warrior Tiptoes to War

Barack Obama has just taken his first baby steps into a war in Syria that may define and destroy his presidency. Thursday, while he was ringing in Gay Pride Month with LGBT revelers, a staffer, Ben Rhodes, informed the White House press that U.S. weapons will be going to the Syrian rebels. For ...

The Bell Tolls for the ‘New Majority’

Next year should be a banner year for the GOP, and may yet be. Obamacare, a “train wreck” about to happen, says Democratic Sen. Max Baucus, goes into full effect Jan. 1, with the popular IRS as enforcer. The Obama media feel betrayed by the secret intrusions on First Amendment rights. ...


Is Our Guardian Angel Big Brother?

“Gentlemen do not read each other’s mail,” said Secretary of State Henry Stimson of his 1929 decision to shut down “The Black Chamber” that decoded the secret messages of foreign powers. “This means war!” said FDR, after reading the intercepted ...