Reading Andrew Scott Cooper's The Fall of Heaven: The Pahlavis and the Final Days of Imperial Iran, I had something of a revelation. Islam isn"t at all the backwards, medieval death cult we think it is. There is indeed a "moderate majority" of Muslims. We just keep killing them all ...
Over the past few months, alleged Russian hackers have revealed that the Clinton camp defrauded the Democratic primary, sold access to the executive branch to state sponsors of terrorism, transmitted classified information over unsecured channels, colluded with the DOJ to undermine a federal ...
"Mitt in Talks for 3rd Party Bid" ran the Boston Herald's headline this Sunday. "Jesus Christ," I thought to myself, "what's Bill Kristol up to now?" That's what I like about Bill: He's predictable. The problem, I guess, is that he's predictably batshit crazy. If you see a ...
Readers of Taki's Magazine must be itching for a bit of good news in the midst of all the rubbish being talked about the refugee crisis in Europe. Well, here it is: Australian prime minister Tony Abbott is now the first leader of the anti-Assad coalition to admit that Western intervention in the ...
C.S. Lewis once said: "Where men are forbidden to honour a king they honour millionaires, athletes or film-stars instead: even famous prostitutes or gangsters." He wasn"t entirely right. Some 230-odd years ago the United States threw off the British monarchy and expelled its loyalists ...