Matt Drudge

The Drudge Paradox

"I just report the news." That phrase may not have the currency of "The check's in the mail," but it's all too familiar as every journalist's favorite alibi. They always trot it out after printing photos of one man's last seconds alive or after swarming churchgoers at memorials to slaughtered ...

Warren Kinsella

The Spy Who Stayed Out in the Cold

For folks who recoil at the thought of hunting animals, progressives sure do enjoy stalking human prey, especially the female of the species. (If I didn"€™t think "€œserial killer profiling"€œ was mostly Clever Hans horseshit, I"€™d speculate on how closely the average Obama voter matches ...

Relief for the Phobiaphobic

For right-wingers, November proved to be the cruelest month in quite some time. The Kenyan Klepto won the White House again. Speaking of democracy: Here in Toronto, our most conservative mayor in living memory"€”one elected in what passes these days for a landslide"€”was kicked out of office ...

Elmosexual Panic

If only Romney had campaigned against Elmo instead of Big Bird. Then again, the sordid details of Sesame Street puppeteer Kevin Clash's alleged dalliances with four then-underage boys didn"€™t emerge until after the election. And let's face it: The Democrats would"€™ve spun the GOP ...

Gwen Stefani

A Pox on all Your Blankets

You know how "€œIf you remember the 60s, you weren"€™t there"€? Here's mine: "€œIt's not "€˜genocide"€™ if you"€™re still here."€ Sorry, disgruntled African Americans. There are exponentially more of you in the United States today than there were when your "€œgenocide"€ ...

Donald Trump

Obama’s Bumbling Nemesis

Some of my best friends are "€œbirthers."€ So far I"€™ve resisted the temptation to sign up with them, although I loved that bit about the signature on that Hawaiian "€œCertificate of Live Birth"€ possibly reading "€œU. K. L. Lee."€ (Get it? "€œUkulele"€?) I wasted a brief ...

Cesar Chavez

Little Cesar

Mostly since John Milton's Satan, we"€™ve perversely preferred our villains seductive: charming, witty, brilliant, and physically graceful"€”sometimes precariously more so than the tale's presumptive hero. Weren"€™t millions enraptured"€”with Pauline Kael's imprimatur"€”by an idealized ...

Reverend Terry Jones

Jonesing for Censorship

Canada wouldn’t let Terry Jones into the country last week, and you’re thinking: “Who can blame them? He was the least funny Python.” But I’m talking about the Reverend Terry Jones of Koran-burning infamy. So now you’re going, “Even better. What a ...

When Push Comes to Shoving Cripples

Poor Richard Widmark. He made over 60 movies, but when he died in 2008, obit reels highlighted one infamous scene from 1947's Kiss of Death, the film that made him a star. The actor was doomed to be remembered best as a sadistic reverse Sisyphus, pushing that screaming wheelchair-bound woman ...

Mimi Matte

A Hyper-Hormonal Whole Foods Hot-Tub Hoedown

How many feminists does it take to screw in a lightbulb? If you replied, "€œThat's not funny!"€ you need to get with it. The correct answer is "€œthe hot tub."€ That's according to The Atlantic's Sandra Tsing Loh in a widely discussed (and derided) piece in that magazine's October ...