The Internet’s Free Encyclopedia Hates Me. The first thing I noticed about my Wikipedia page, when someone directed my attention to it, was that they got my name wrong, there in the very first line! Not the spelling"they at least managed to get that right"but the pronunciation. ...
Beijing has a Uighur problem. The current constitution of the People’s Republic of China, adopted in December 1982, tells us that: “The People’s Republic of China is a unitary multi-national state.” That is pretty darn close to the dictionary definition of an ...
Under discussion: Watching the Door: Cheating Death in 1970s Belfast, Atlantic Books (2009), 288 pages. The recent killings in Northern Ireland have everybody over there wondering whether this is a dying sputter of republican terrorism, or the beginning of a new round of ...
"I advocate what I call "citizenism" as a functional, yet idealistic, alternative to the special-interest abuses of multiculturalism. Citizenism calls upon Americans to favor the well-being, even at some cost to ourselves, of our current fellow citizens over that of foreigners and internal ...
The following address was given to the H.L. Mencken Club’s Annual Meeting; November 21-23, 2008 My study at home in Long Island has bookshelves on all four walls. When I originally stocked those shelves, I worked out a system for doing so. The shelves on the north wall, directly behind me as ...
There's the prospect, if it is a prospect, that the kids"and not likely us"will face something extremely traumatic: the Singularity! This is the postulated point in the not very distant future when we shall be sharing our living space with entities, either electronic or biological, much ...
For fans of multiculturalism and unrestricted immigration, Gypsies are a hard test case. They are exceptionally antisocial, and cultivate high levels of skill in the small-criminal arts " pickpocketing, burglary, fast confidence tricks, and so on. They seem also to be striving to keep alive ...
The optimism of today's Chinese is not hard to understand. To be sure, China is still a poor country, with a per capita GDP only a ninth that of the U.S. Look back at your own life, though. The times when you felt most upbeat were not the times when you had the most money. They were the times when ...
So much for the clear breezy uplands of history and science. Down in the rain forest of actual human society, Darwin has had a more mixed reception. Strict fundamentalists in all three of the big Abrahamic religions regard his theories with loathing. The degree of loathing is different among the ...
Ron Paul is a potent force because his ideas have deep appeal. We all know, for example, that there is something horribly wrong with the way the federal government spends our money, and that whatever it is that is wrong gets wronger by the congressional session, under presidents of either party. I ...