Michelle Obama

Pomp and Circumstance

Harry Truman purchased his own postage stamps. Calvin Coolidge audited the books for the White House kitchen. That's small-"r" republican ...

Goodnight, Little Jim

In his column the other day, Pat Buchanan quoted the last lines of Robert Southey’s poem ‘The Battle of Blenheim”: "€œBut what good came of it at last?"€ Quoth little Peterkin. "€œWhy that I cannot tell,"€ said he, "€œBut "€™t was a famous victory!"€ That sent ...


Any firms of human rights lawyers keen to take up my case may contact me through Taki's ...

What Hatewatchers Hate

I see I have once again made the Southern Poverty Law Center's Hatewatch Headlines. They link to RightWingWatch.org, who caught me hatefully spewing hateful hatefulness in an interview I gave to blogger Joseph Cotto: Practically all educated black Americans...are communists. And white ...

Senator Jefferson Sessions

Sessions for President!

He's basically a wet Tuesday afternoon in Coney Island: something featureless and uninteresting, to be got through with patience and ...

How Can We Get Rid of Puerto Rico?

Is a baseball mitt a toy? How about a trampoline? Is a goose a farm animal or a wild animal? Is chess-playing an art or a science? Do I shelve a novel about China with my fiction books or my China books? These are problems of categorization. Each of us approaches the matter differently. ...

Skepticism’s Proper Target

This year is the centenary of the late great pop mathematician Martin Gardner (1914-2010). A posthumous autobiography (you don’t see that phrase often) appeared last fall. In 1957, Gardner published a book titled Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science, debunking things such as ...

The Evil of Faction

The traditionalist-conservative critique reminds us that capitalism is not necessarily a friend of ...

Useless Mouths

"€œThe book that people are reading now,"€ according to Lion of the Blogosophere, is Brynjolfsson and McAfee’s The Second Machine Age. I hastened to buy a copy and read it...so you don’t have to! The authors are professional Deep Thinkers with positions at the MIT Center for ...

Marcella Sills

Poop Floats, Gold Sinks

This is the pitiful, degraded state we have sunk to under the influence of public-sector lobbies and Cultural Marxist ...