California Crushes Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania's Peter Brothers Trucking delivers goods all across America. Owner Brian Wanner says Pennsylvania bureaucrats now are driving him out of his home state. "We have no say," complains Wanner in my new video. "We can't do anything about it." "No say" because Pennsylvania's new rules ...

Shut It Down!

This week Republicans and Democrats got together to avert a government shutdown. Too bad. There's so much that ought to be shut down. Useless Cabinet departments, for example, like Housing and Urban Development, Labor and Agriculture. Agriculture employs almost 100,000 people. Why? Independent ...

Soda Tax

Want a soda? You'll pay more for one in Philadelphia, because five years ago, local politicians decided to tax it. They're "protecting" people, they said. The tax would "reduce obesity" and "lower diabetes rates." But their main goal was to bring in more money, which they said would "fund early ...

Control Versus Choice

COVID cases are up. Hospitalizations climbed 24% last week. But the media make everything seem scarier than it is. The headline "Up 24%!" comes after dramatic lows. Hospitalizations are still less than half what they were when President Joe Biden said, "The pandemic is over." Yet the shallow ...

Bad Choices

The betting odds say the next election will likely be a rematch between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. It's odd, since polls show most Americans don't like either man. There are good reasons for that. My new video covers some of the worst. Trump is simply mean. He humiliates people, taking pleasure ...

College Rip-Off

It's August. Many young people head off to college. This year, fortunately, fewer will go. I say "fortunately" because college is now an overpriced scam. Overpriced, because normal incentives to be frugal and make smart judgements about who should go to college were thrown out when the federal ...

The Fake Climate Consensus

We are told climate change is a crisis, and that there is an "overwhelming scientific consensus." "It's a manufactured consensus," says climate scientist Judith Curry in my new video. She says scientists have an incentive to exaggerate risk to pursue "fame and fortune." She knows about that ...

Central Park, New York

Free to Try Stuff

Politicians have big plans for us. President Joe Biden repeatedly says, "I have a plan for that." "I alone can fix it," shouted President Donald Trump. But most of life, and the best of life, happens when politicians butt out and let us make our own choices. Chinese philosopher Zhuang Zhou ...

Smears for Money

The Southern Poverty Law Center just released a report claiming there are 1,225 hate and anti-government groups in America. These groups cause "fear and pain (in) Black, brown, and LGBTQ communities." The SPLC lists such groups on its "hate map." I once believed the center. Well-meaning people ...

College Racism

The Left is angry because the Supreme Court ruled race-based affirmative action unconstitutional. President Joe Biden says he "strongly disagrees." But Chief Justice John Roberts was right to say, "Eliminating racial discrimination means eliminating all of it." It's a victory for Students for ...