Frazier Glenn Miller, Jr. is the sort of guy you"d expect to go on a shooting rampage at two different Jewish community centers and wind up killing three Christians instead. Whether he's a stooge, a tool, a crafty double-crosser, or simply a plain idiot, the old deranged buzzard is the sort of ...
Even his homespun-sounding name"Cliven Bundy"hints that he is part of a dying breed. Reputed to be the “last rancher in South Nevada,” he locked horns with the US Bureau of Land Management last week in a highly public battle of wills. Bundy is a father of 14 and a descendant of ...
TRIGGER WARNING: This article contains bushels and bales of foul language. It also quotes passages that are so hate-filled, they make Adolf Hitler look like Doris Day. As a result, many readers may find this material problematic. Enter with caution, and DO NOT touch the museum exhibits. As a ...
The 15th annual White Privilege Conference ended on Saturday in Madison, WI. As is usually the case with the locales for such public displays of white ethnomasochism, Madison’s quotient of blacks is roughly half the national average. In contrast, presumably ignorant and ...
Like all societies before it, our society considers nothing more shameful than to be shameless. Thus, the Internet"which binds our society together like cheese binds a colon"is crammed with so much public shaming, it should be ashamed of itself. Sticking your fist into the electronic ...
I"ve been called a fascist roughly six million times, and though I feel it's an inaccurate description of my beliefs and temperament, I can see how people might get that impression. Following WWII, the term “fascist” has almost always been used as a pejorative. The crushing defeat ...
The Los Angeles Times has congratulated Hollywood for congratulating itself for awarding the Best Picture Oscar to 12 Years a Slave. The gist of the article is that Tinseltown is finally taking “risks” and tackling “difficult subjects” such as black slavery. Why, it’s ...
Last Wednesday, Arizona's lizard-skinned Governor Jan Brewer vetoed what had largely been described as an “anti-gay bill,” even though the bill’s text doesn’t mention homos at all. The luridly self-righteous cultural left, which long ago eclipsed social conservatives in ...
With all due respect to the Founding Fathers, I do not find it "self-evident" that all men are created equal. If anything, it appears bleedingly obvious that they are highly"even comically"unequal. About a dozen years ago I gave a lecture in a Seattle bookshop packed to the mossy ...
It's a good thing I"m going senile, because I can"t remember a winter worse than this one. I guess I"ve been through harsher winters back in the mid-1960s up North when I dimly remember snow shoveled higher than my head, but what I know for certain is that I did not move to Georgia for ...