Amid all the empty, gaseous, fear-mongering bullshit we constantly hear about “terrorism,” lost is the fact that what were arguably that USA’s first anti-terrorist laws were designed to crush the KKK in the South during Reconstruction. The Enforcement Acts of 1870 and 1871 ...
Last Wednesday night, nine black men and women were shot to death at Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, SC. As the young white male shooter was picking off his victims, he reportedly told them that blacks "had to go" because they were taking over the country and raping white women. Anyone ...
Sipping my iced coffee outside a café last Thursday night in Decatur, GA"a town with such a thriving lesbian ghetto that local wiseacres call it Dick Hater, GA"the stars magically aligned and I found myself seated next to a table of three fat white women huddled worshipfully around one ...
The original Goths"those rude, hairy, smelly, bloodthirsty, rampaging barbarians who crushed the Roman Empire"would by any reasonable definition of the term be properly referred to as "badasses." The closest modern Caucasian equivalent of the ancient Goths would be the oft-maligned ...
It is impossible to simultaneously understand the theory of evolution and to believe in blank-slate cognitive equality among human groups of different continental origins. Both propositions"evolution and equality"cannot simultaneously be true. You have to pick one. Choose wisely, because ...
Only in America can the media take a deadly shootout among white and Hispanic bikers and somehow make it all about black people. And only in America can these same media megaphone-mouths complain about “the media” without realizing that for all intents and purposes, they are the ...
If a person of color feels offended by something a well-meaning white person said and no one knows they’re offended, is it still a hate crime? This is the implicit question posed by the very idea of “racial microaggressions.” The concept seems to have been formulated by the ...
Despite the ceaseless yippety-yap one hears about “white privilege,” the glaringly obvious privilege currently denied to white Americans is the privilege to feel OK about their racial identity. Unless you wear your skin as if it were a guilt-laden hairshirt, and unless you frame white ...
The smoke has cleared in Baltimore for now, and one of my favorite American cities is just a little bit less than it used to be. I bear a lingering affection for Baltimore because it mirrors in many ways the Philadelphia of my youth. Both towns are so fundamentally shitty, the residents have ...
It's a sign of strength for a man to admit his weaknesses, which is why I freely confess that I am economically retarded. I know nothing about economics. Sometimes it's even hard for me to find my wallet. Still, it's obvious that communism is a logically dumb and emotionally infantile economic ...