It is with a perverse sort of glee that I can announce we"ve finally found a violent anti-white attack where the media and law can no longer deny it was motivated by anti-white hatred. I find it severely depressing that it took a grisly video"which the perps livestreamed on Facebook, for ...
On Christmas Eve, an eminently smackable-looking self-described "actual communist" crouched down, grabbed his ankles, and shat the following Tweet upon planet Earth: All I want for Christmas is White Genocide The offending Tweeter was George Ciccariello-Maher, a professor of politics and ...
Considering the state of this world, it is perfectly understandable to find oneself being constantly annoyed. As each year winds to an end, I find myself surveying the past twelve months and thinking about who annoyed me. I have previously published lists of my findings for 2012, 2013, and 2014. ...
Author Nikesh Shukla"a fat brown man who appears to sweat a lot"has just been named one of Foreign Policy magazine's "100 Global Thinkers of 2016." He won this award for his work focusing on the "unbearable whiteness of publishing." Ironically, his surname is a word of ...
Last week, suspected lesbian, part-time exotic jungle dancer, and two-time failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton waddled like a postmenopausal penguin into DC and urged a captive crowd of lawmakers to beware of "fake news": The epidemic of malicious fake news and false propaganda ...
Still scratching their pointy heads over losing an election they were certain that history had preordained them to win, the Democrats are blaming everything except their own stupidity and arrogance. The intersectional house of cards has fallen. Every maladjusted minoritarian mini-tyrant in the ...
Fidel Castro is dead, so that's cool. Born to wealth and privilege and educated in exclusive private schools"which seems to be the case with all communist fanatics I"ve ever heard of or have had the supreme displeasure to know in my personal life"the bearded revolutionary finally gave ...
According to Nevada Senator Harry Reid"who is retiring from politics to pursue a career as a Roy Orbison impersonator"Donald Trump's election "has sparked a wave of hate crimes across America." Almost as if they were in an echo chamber together with Reid, the passionately ...
A fundamental but hugely unacknowledged divide in America is the intergalactically large chasm between urban and rural culture. The city slickers and the country bumpkins might as well live on different planets. Last Tuesday, it was the perennially scorned hicks, hillbillies, and rednecks in ...
This essay is intended solely for our male readership. Our three female readers can sit this one out. Go bake us a pie or knit us a sweater or something. Men: If Hillary Clinton wins on Tuesday, you might as well lop off your testicles with a meat cleaver and ship them parcel post to Washington, ...