The Right’s Ideological Dysgenics

I don’t care much for Ron Unz. While I certainly appreciate anyone who publishes "forbidden" content, I do feel quite vehemently that Unz is emblematic of a major problem facing the right. Like most Californians, I knew Unz as a failed politician and successful businessman who, in the 1990s, ...

Covid’s Original Sins

At the request of those who think the Covid origin lab leak theory is “settled,” here’s the response you asked for. All studies/articles mentioned are linked. If this topic matters to you, read the links, don’t just rely on my overview. Recap Animal-to-human spillover would be the ...

Washed-Up Parabolic

Life is full of surprises. Two weeks ago, a professor from Ben-Gurion University publicly called me out on Twitter. That’s not surprising; I expect Jewish academics to dislike me. I have a rep, justified or not (spoiler alert: not). The surprising part was that the prof was angry that I’d yet ...

Breitbart’s Frog of War

I was gonna do a piece about Covid’s origin, as it’s been in the news again and readers have asked me to address it, but I’m putting it off for a week. Because the Pedro Gonzalez thing is stuck in my craw. Disclaimer: I have no idea where my “craw” is, but if it’s where I assume, ...

Jill, Hunter, and Joe Biden

Subpar Thinkers Implode in Coinci-density

Readers often ask, “Dave, why you always pickin’ on the right?” Nick Land, a rather well-known bloke, commented back in January: “Cole’s basic, consistent thesis is that the Left is just way better at politics than the Right. It’s not that he’s wrong, but if he’s right, can ...

Dan and Marilyn Quayle

The Devil Is the Details

Two weeks ago I wrote about the folly of viewing “I’m fleeing to a red state” as a panacea rather than a postponement, and last week I dealt with the right’s disdain for details and fondness for “paint with a wide brush” worldviews. Those themes are interconnected. “Wide ...

L.A. City Hall

The Right’s Big Brush-Off

Here’s a fun fact: My cousin was one of the attorneys who got silicone breast implants banned in the 1990s. As regular readers know, my biological dad killed Elvis. So my bloodline took away Elvis and boobies. That’s why I never had kids—Lord knows what manner of villainy they’d inflict ...

Should White Fight the Blight or Take Flight?

All last week, something I couldn’t put my finger on it, but something wasn’t right. Like there was a void. Then it hit me! As Texas Republicans were slaughtering each other in the statehouse, “red state Twitter” had gone silent! You know, those rightists who arrogantly ...

Navaho Nation, Monument Valley

Six Feet Undergroundhog Day

Well, so much for last week’s experiment with a race-and-politics-free column about the entertainment industry; it landed with a thud so loud I checked my roof for Eric Clapton’s son (I did that joke years ago and it provoked a furious email from a deeply offended reader. So I’m repeating ...

Writers Gulled

My friends (and one or two foes) have informed me that my past few columns have been downers. “Can’t you do something a little lighter?” they ask. “Also, what’s your take on the WGA strike?” Happy to oblige, friends and foes who for once are not an imaginary opening-paragraph device ...