Bernie Sanders

The Revolution Will Not Be Emphasized

Leftists truly understand the power of labels. They know that labels, properly utilized, have the ability to stigmatize and marginalize. "€œCisgender"€ is a perfect example. The left has persuaded millions of people to use a term that essentially means "€œI"€™m normal."€ To understand ...

Filling the Breitbart Void

In February 2013, when my audience was composed primarily of mainstream Republicans, I wrote a column titled "€œMasturbating Conservatives."€ The right was still smarting from an election that"€”how can this be phrased delicately?"€”pantsed us and mocked our shrinkage. The goal of my piece ...

A Dead Lion Brings Out the Left in the Right

More and more, the Internet is becoming as predictable as the plot of a Michael Bay film. Every new social-media "€œoutrage"€ is inevitably followed by "€œcounter-outrage"€ (i.e., outrage about the outrage). There's no way to predict what each new outrage of the week will be (a police ...

Cheering the Hate-Crime Relay Race

Something very morbid is going on in the press these days every time there's an act of violence by a person who might have racial, religious, or ideological motives. If the perp is white, and if he has even the slightest connection to anything vaguely right-wing, the liberal press screams, ...

Leftist Legal Fictions and the Atheists Who Love Them

I"€™ve never had much use for smug, arrogant leftist atheists like Bill Maher, Ricky Gervais, or Seth MacFarlane, whose smarmy "€œaren"€™t we ever-so-clever"€ attitude I find as irritating as a bur sweater. But this week, it occurred to me that in their own way, these self-satisfied ...

Reflipping the Script

Unless you were living under a rock last week (or unless you have, you know, a life), you surely heard about Donald Trump's whirlwind anti-illegal-immigration campaign stop in L.A. on Friday. Trump was in town to give a talk to the "€œsecret"€ Hollywood conservative group Friends of Abe, ...

The Curious Incident of the “€œFag”€ in the Night-Time

In the classic Sherlock Holmes story "€œSilver Blaze,"€ Scotland Yard's Inspector Gregory asks Holmes, "€œIs there any point to which you would wish to draw my attention?"€ Holmes answers, "€œTo the curious incident of the dog in the night-time."€ The perplexed inspector replies, ...

White Terrorists and Niggardly Limes

On June 24, NBC News prominently featured a story on its website headlined "€œWhite Americans Are Biggest Terror Threat in U.S.: Study."€ Clicking the link took readers to a site called GlobalPost, and an article that begins, "€œWhite Americans are the biggest terror threat in the United ...

Aryan Psycho Killers and Me

The horrific mass shooting in a Charleston church is bringing out the best in all of us. I might be using the word "€œbest"€ incorrectly. Left-wing pundits are blaming conservatives and white people in general. Conservatives are predictably tongue-tied and clumsy, longing for the days when ...

Leave Him to the Lions

I had a mouthful of barbecue when the white South African calmly explained the proper way to dispose of a dead black man. The topic was disturbing enough, but the deadpan delivery, and my suspicion that he was speaking from experience, made it much, much worse. "€œYou leave him to the lions,"€ ...