Huntington Beach, CA

Colored People of Color

Last month, I drew a 30-day Facebook ban because I posted a column that had the word “tranny” in the title (full disclosure: it was my own damn column). Thirty days of being unable to promote my work on Facebook (which is pretty much all I use that arthritic platform for these days). I’ll ...

Adam Parfrey Saved My Life

During his 61 years on this earth, Adam Parfrey was called a fascist, a commie, a Nazi, a misogynist, a right-wing conspiracy nut, a left-wing conspiracy nut, a satanist, a warmonger, and a peacenik. If there’s a divisive term, he was called it. The legendary independent publisher, who passed ...

Lynching Toward Redemption

The dream has finally been realized: America now has a national lynching memorial, and if you’re like me, you bought your tickets way in advance (take my word for it—get your tix online; the scalpers outside the venue are brutal). Marvel sure chose a lousy time to release Avengers: Infinity ...

Smearing the Smearers

As I’m sure you’ve heard, two black dudes went into a Starbucks last week and claimed a table without ordering anything. And then they (yes, apparently both of them at the same time) decided to use the bathroom. Because that’s what guys do in coffee shops with tiny one-toilet bathrooms—they ...

Donald Trump: The First Jewish President?

Trump’s barely been in office a year and a half, but already his presidency has been analyzed to death, with every new diagnosis contradicting the last. Trump’s a “4D chess master!” No, he’s a charlatan ill-suited for public office. Please, he’s an outsider with a grand vision, hobbled ...

Dwarfs vs. Trannies

Black lives may matter, but some matter less than others. Poor Stephon Clark. He was so close to the sainthood that is bestowed upon any black person who’s shot by a cop…or by a white…or by a white Hispanic…or by pretty much anyone except another black. Clark certainly had the ...

Memo to Laura Ingraham: Never Beg

In an episode of the seminal 1980s TV show Hill Street Blues, Detective Buntz (a pre–NYPD Blue Dennis Franz) and a fellow detective, Rodriguez, are taken hostage by a sadistic serial killer. Bound and helpless, Buntz, who has a history with the killer, explains to his panicked colleague that the ...

Geena Davis

For White Girls Who Have Considered (Career) Suicide

It’s been less than a month since actress Frances McDormand used her Oscar acceptance speech to push for the adoption of “inclusion riders” in entertainment-industry contracts, and, true to form, Hollywood has been quick to mindlessly jump on the bandwagon. In the weeks following ...

Diversity Bridge Is Falling Down, My Fair Lady

Well, that is damned inconvenient. A state-of-the-art pedestrian bridge hailed as the inevitably wondrous result of diversity in engineering has collapsed within days of being paraded before the media. Did I say inconvenient? I should have said symbolic. “Diversity Bridge” (that’s not the ...

Himmler’s Damnable Logic

I found out last week that the Wendy Bell lawsuit, which I covered in November 2016, has been settled. Bell was a popular anchorwoman at ABC affiliate WTAE in Pittsburgh. In early 2016, a black family was massacred in the high-crime, predominantly black Pittsburgh-adjacent borough of Wilkinsburg. ...