Busing, Part II: Birth of a Ruination

Bobbi Fiedler was a prophet. Fiedler was the 38-year-old mom and housewife who damn near single-handedly slew the mandatory school busing dragon in L.A. in the 1970s. Her organization, Bustop, gained 30,000 members in its first month. Fiedler organized the takeover of the local school board, ...

Busing: That Little Jew Was Me

“That little girl was me,” declared mocha madwoman Kamala Harris during the first debate of the Kallikak Party candidates, as she “devastated” Joe Biden by making the killer point that she’d been among the first of her kind in her city to “integrate” a school via busing. As a service ...

The End of Deplatforming? Well, Maybe…

Finally, congressional action on internet speech suppression. But let’s not pop the champagne just yet... Some background: In 1996, Congress passed the Communications Decency Act (CDA), which contained a sweetheart deal (section 230) giving providers of “interactive computer services” ...

An Amnesty That I Can Support

In 1986, my high school drama teacher decided to give me a lesson in humility following a series of outbursts on my part challenging his authority (as arrogant as I may be now, I was way worse back then). He “sentenced” me to a week of working stage crew. In my majority black school, the ...

The Parable of the Nazi Pizza

Susan Pang was one of the most attractive women I’ve ever known. Born in Hong Kong but raised in the U.S., one parent was a right ol’ proper servant of ’Er Majesty’s bleedin’ government, and the other was a Hong Kong native. We never dated, so I can’t say that she was my Asian, but she ...

Los Angeles

Brown and Out in Beverly Hills

Leftists advance incrementally. Their template is as simple as it is predictable: Ask for a little, and swear that the demands will end there. Most regular folks will give in because decent people generally seek compromise. But to leftists, compromise is merely a temporary step, a strategy. ...

The Cockroaches of Abortion

1987’s Twilight of the Cockroaches is one of my favorite Japanese films. It’s half live action (the human characters) and half animation (the roaches). The premise is simple. A male slob lives in an apartment crawling with cockroaches. They eat the food dropped on the floor, and the leftovers ...

“The Whites Are Our Misfortune”

It occurred to me this week that anti-whiteness is the new anti-Semitism. Not that Jew hatred no longer exists. It does, of course. But the formula’s been tweaked. See, Jews in olde Europe were seen as black magical. Satanic devils, evil from the moment of conception, eternally cursed for the ...

A Bleak Future for Jews

Ah, Congressman Steve Cohen—what a yukster! Two weeks ago, he had us in stitches by eating a big ol’ bucket of KFC when Attorney General Barr was a no-show to his witch trial (see, Barr was chicken! Get it? Get it?). And last week, Krazy Kohen issued a press release slamming one of my ...

James M. Lammey

Anatomy of a Hit Piece

A corrupt Memphis journalist tried to shoot down a conservative judge, and he used me as the bullet. Here’s the whole sordid story. It all started with illegal immigration. Shelby County (Tennessee) Criminal Court Judge Jim Lammey has a weird idea about the law: He thinks it should be obeyed. ...