Slavery Reparations Movement “Founder” Hated Jews, Loved Neo-Nazis

“America was born of sin.” So goes the broken-record preachifyin’ of the racial evangelists of the left. And that sin is (drum roll) racism. Just Google “racist origin of,” “racist roots of,” or “racist history of,” and you’ll get page after page of search results in which ...

Pink Slip, Black Rage

Antwann Brown may have a rap sheet going back 25 years...he may have a record that includes busts for drug dealing, dealing near a school, grand theft, and domestic battery. But last Wednesday morning, as he hitched a ride to work with a pocketknife in his trousers (don’t we all go to work that ...

Dupes Duped by Duplicitous Duper

“Dr.” John Glynn is a fascinating monster—an anachronistic throwback to the past and an inevitable product of the present. Glynn is a fraudster, a faker, a cipher who claimed to be a psychologist and university professor in order to dupe journalists into carrying his opinion pieces. He’s ...

Okay White People, Break It Up

In a season 3 episode of NYPD Blue, profoundly un-PC detective Andy Sipowicz (played by Dennis Franz) gives his son, a newly minted beat cop, a lesson in street patrol. Sipowicz points to a group of young black guys standing on a corner. He tells his son that the men, while not technically doing ...

Flag of the Bikini Atoll


Last week, The Washington Post and the AP uncovered a racist scandal of international proportions involving that most sinister of beverages, the preferred drink of Archie Bunkers and Al Bundys worldwide: beer. See, there’s a microbrewery in Texas (I feel the racism already) that has ...

The Hunt

Right-Wing Boob Job

During my five years with Friends of Abe, the “secret” (and boozy) organization of Hollywood conservatives, in between boilermakers at Barney’s Beanery we used to bitch about how Hollywood never makes movies with conservative heroes and leftist villains. Well, Hollywood (and the son of a ...

Mount Mihara

Bullets From Heaven

What does a Japanese lesbian jumping into a volcano have to do with American mass shooters? I thought you’d never ask! Mount Mihara is an active volcano that sits on the island of Oshima, off the coast of Tokyo. For centuries, Mihara has been an exotic destination for suicidal Japs who believe ...

Baltimore, Maryland

The Final Solution to the Baltimore Question

Conservative firebrand Dana Loesch has the cure for what ails Baltimore: a trash-pickup field trip! Just a thought: A bunch of people in MAGA hats should schedule some time to go help those in that district who clearly aren’t being well represented. Organize lot cleanup, trash removal, etc. Show ...

Trump: Too Much Like Hitler to Be “Hitler”

Can you imagine if Donald Trump had done even half the things regarding immigration that he promised during the election? Imagine if he’d built a wall, or ended chain migration, or axed birthright citizenship, or if there’d been “deportations, day one,” or if there’d been “deportations, ...

Manhattan Beach, California

Conquered California

Last month, a prominent figure on the right asked me point-blank, “Why don’t you move?” He was referring to California, and my stubborn refusal to leave this high-tax, low-IQ, far-left, illegal-alien-riddled state. I certainly could move if I wanted to. If I can afford a four-bedroom house ...