Oswiecim, Poland

Immigration, the Holocaust, and a “Cancel Culture” Fail

When leftists tried to “cancel” a judge because he refused to turn a blind eye to illegal immigration, things did not go quite as expected. This is the final chapter of a story I covered back in May. Memphis Criminal Court Judge Jim Lammey has a simple and straightforward attitude when it ...

Charlie Kirk

The Groypers of Wrath

You know the difference between an album and a concert? With an album, the idea is to create something with staying power. The music is meticulously recorded, mixed, sweetened, and preserved for repeated play. An album is timeless. I have friends who still play old vinyl. And I know “zoomers” ...

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Tyler Kent and the Roosevelt Whistle-blow Job

Remember that time Democrats hated a whistle-blower so much they turned him over to a foreign government to be imprisoned on an island? Think Gilligan’s Island but without the laugh track. There was a millionaire, however...a cuddly cripple with a fondness for war and a penchant for collusion. I ...

T(y)ranny Triumphant, Part II: Zhe Who Controls the Past…

“The devil’s finest trick is to persuade you that he does not exist.” And the left's finest trick is to persuade you that a man in a dress is a woman. In last week’s column, I covered tranny domination of women’s sports. This week, it’s the entertainment industry...and a lawsuit against ...

T(y)ranny Triumphant, Part I: Transmenstrual Cyclists

It’s time to take the “he” out of heliocentric. Trannies are the center of the universe now, and anyone who refuses to accept the new zheliocentrism can count on swift punishment for their heresy (sorry, zheresy). Ask yourself why trannies have become so important to the left. It has nothing ...

Warmongers Fake It Till They Make It

I’m starting this week’s column on a self-indulgent note. Bear with me; I have a larger point to make. But first, let’s talk about my bloated, misshapen physique. I used to be rail-thin, but about four years ago, age and my unhealthy lifestyle finally caught up with me. My hair grayed, my ...

The Slow-Motion Suicide Bombers of the West

All Mirah Wilks ever wanted was to be a victim. But, tragically, her luck was just too good. For 69 years, the Israeli-born Wilks evaded bullet after bullet. As a child she contracted polio, and whereas others afflicted with that terrible disease find themselves tethered to burdensome monstrosities ...

Can the Right Fight Without Saying White?

Sometimes you get the hero you need, sometimes you get the hero you deserve, and sometimes you get a worthless dumbass who is neither. And if you’re really unlucky, you might get a whole flock of worthless dumbasses. I speak, of course, of the “conservatives” who spend every minute of every ...

Lessons From a Media Moron

These days, it’s getting harder to tell the calculating and corrupt from the gullible and stupid. A few weeks ago, the journalistic community anally expelled a collective brick when reports surfaced that a bunch of racist Nazi child barbers at a Virginia elementary school had attacked a poor, ...

Left & Right Unite Against Speech!

I don’t like being wrong. But every now and then, I find myself ashamed to be right. Last month I made a prediction. There was a movie being distributed by Universal called The Hunt, and right-wingers were up in arms because they thought the movie “glorified” the murder of rightists. Such a ...