How Do You Solve a Problem Like a MAGA Part II: Tard Harder

There are two courses of action that MAGAs can take in the wake of the debacle that was 1/6: learn from one of the worst strategic disasters in American political history, or, conversely, don’t learn a damn thing. Because what’s a mistake if not something to deny and repeat? That’s the ...

How Do You Solve a Problem Like a MAGA?

Sometimes you chase the story, and sometimes the story chases you. Two weeks ago I’m walkin’ through Century City, the business, residential, and dining district adjoining Beverly Hills. This is familiar territory to me; it’s home. So I know— Wait a minute...isn’t that the exact same ...

Well, That Went Great

Fucking idiots. Oh, did I violate the unwritten rule that crass language is most effectively employed as punctuation for effect rather than, say, an opening statement? If so, my apologies. Now back to the cussing. “Fuck you...WAR.” Thousands of you tweeted that old Breitbart clip last week, ...

George Soros

Soros Soars, GOP Cowards Cower

I devoted my Dec. 15 column to newly elected Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón and his benefactor George Soros. Gascón has one goal: to put the people of L.A. at the mercy of criminals. He’s the face of anarcho-tyranny, and George Soros is the wallet. The night after my column, ...

Dr. Kizzmekia Corbett

Dr. Kizzmekia Corbett Presents “Wacky Vaxxers!”

If I were Dr. Kizzmekia Corbett, I’d cool it with the boasting. I’m a bit more weathered and wizened than the 34-year-old immunologist currently being touted as the “curer of Covid,” and one lesson I’ve gleaned from my many years on this earth is that life loves comedic setups and ...

The GOP’s Big Black Suicide Tent

There are “bad” takes, and then there are takes that make you stop dead in your tracks, stare blankly ahead, and say to yourself, “Well, we’re fucked.” Liz Peek is a Wall Street and petroleum industry cockroach who’s become an unavoidable presence these days on Fox News, where she’s ...

George Gascón

Something Worse Than Voter Fraud

Yeah, voter fraud is real. Yeah, Democrats excel at it. But the current obsession on the right with voter fraud (genuine and imagined) carries with it the potential to do far more damage long-term than the fraud itself. Rightists have a tendency to become obsessed with flights of fancy, and as I ...

Baldwin Hills, Los Angeles

40 Acres and a Mall

Sometimes you chase the story, and sometimes the story chases you. Two weeks ago I’m walkin’ through Century City, the business, residential, and dining district adjoining Beverly Hills. This is familiar territory to me; it’s home. So I know when something’s not right. Like the bus full of ...

No Recount Needed: China Won

Poor old Tucker Carlson. All the man’s trying to do is educate you poor slobs about facts and evidence, and you turn on him like jackals for his measured rationalism. Tuck is facing a backlash among rightists for his caution regarding Trump lawyer/not Trump lawyer/maybe Trump lawyer Sidney ...

California Secedes From Black America

I have several close friends who moved from California to Arizona to live in “redder” territory. This has not been a good month for them. AZ’s turning bluer than the balls on an Elder Scrolls neckbeard. And even if you want to scream “voter fraud” regarding the Biden win, the fact is that ...