Mutiny on the Booty

Sometimes, the monotony is the message. All weekly opinion journalists eventually encounter the problem of repeated themes. It’s unavoidable. Specifics might change, political circumstances might change, but opinion writers will usually end up forging a thematic base camp from which every column ...

Handicapping the Covid Derby

Two weeks ago, when I promised that I was officially done with the Covid origin brouhaha, I meant it. Honest Injun. I had several weeks of columns plotted out that didn’t mention Covid or labs or wet markets once. But last week John Derbyshire called me out on his podcast, and Derb’s a man of ...

MAGA (Make America Goalless Again)

Last week I examined the phenomenon of MAGA rightists who, in their zeal to advance the Wuhan lab Covid origin theory and vindicate Trump, have embraced the CCP propaganda line that Covid is an American bug and the Chinese are practically innocent bystanders in the whole affair. In the six days ...

House of Faucistein

The Godfather Part II: Covid Edition Starring Xi Jinping as Michael Corleone and MAGA as Senator Geary Xi Corleone sits in a stately office in his home overlooking a lake. Senator MAGA sits opposite him. The mood is tense. Senator: “I don’t like your kind of people. I don’t like to see ...

Son of FrankenCovid

Oh, this again. The “Wuhan lab” Covid origin story has never been hotter. A year after I pointed out the numerous holes and falsehoods in the theory, it’s come roaring back to life, and not just among rightists. The core of the lab thesis is that scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology ...

Saying “No” to Black People

It’s the video nobody wants to talk about. And even the people who talk about it don’t really want to talk about it. San Dimas is a city in L.A. County. Demographics: roughly 50% non-Hispanic white, 33% Hispanic of any race, 14% Asian, 1.8% black. Last month in San Dimas an L.A. County ...

“At First Quietly, Then Much Less Quietly”

The Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute (DEOMI), a branch of the U.S. Department of Defense, was launched in 1971 as the Defense Race Relations Institute (it changed to DEOMI in 1979). But whatever the name, the mandate’s always been the same: pollute the armed forces with propaganda ...

The Ghetto’s on Fire—Let It Burn

Last week marked the 78th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, a sacred moment in Jewish history. The anniversary brought the expected flood of commentaries and social media posts. But one piece that was not widely circulated, though it deserved to be, is a 2013 Haaretz essay by Holocaust ...

Hand in Hand to Hell: The Black/Jewish “Alliance”

Last week was the anniversary of the siege of Masada. The Jews lost that one, though contemporary scholars spin it as a victory in spirit. Also last week was a more modern-day type of battle: the Great Westside Kosher War. How’d the Jews fare in that one? Let’s take a look. The war began when ...

Ira Aldridge as Aaron the Moor, 1852

The Curse of Aaron

If you ask a casual Shakespeare fan to name the Bard’s most villainous character, odds are the answer will be Richard III. And that’s not a bad response. Richard is indeed a murderous scoundrel. But the thing is, from the very first scene, Richard tells the audience exactly who he is, what ...