Ventura, CA

Isle of L.A. Part I: The Changing Colors of the Landscape

In honor of my upcoming 53rd birthday, I’m launching a two-part (or three...haven’t decided yet) series on the changing face of my native city. I’ve never understood why some people want to be lied to. It’s why so many opinion journalists just make stuff up. If you speak comforts to your ...

Larry Bird

The Abominably Slowman

It’s an incident that’s gone unreported outside the tightly knit community of science nerds and “skeptics.” Now, when I use the word “skeptics,” I’m not speaking of those who dare to question the “science” behind some of today’s nuttiest pseudoscientific manias (toddlers must be ...

Blackbuster Video

Last December I penned a column about a controversy that was at the time raging in one of the very last black areas of L.A., the Crenshaw district. There was a mall—known locally as the Crenshaw Mall, but properly titled Baldwin Hills Crenshaw Plaza—that was for all intents and purposes the ...

With Friends Like MAGA…

Recently, I wrote about my childhood friend Robert, a pudgy little Jew who got a hard lesson in reality at our majority-black high school. This week, I’ll lead off with my friend Greg. Greg was a short bespectacled nerdy white kid I knew in elementary school. He was a gratingly manic loudmouthed ...

The Judas Savior

1996. A beautiful night by the beach, cruising PCH with my lady-friend Veronica. She was barely 21 but damn did she do drugs like an aged Deadhead. Me? After seven years in Holocaust revisionism, I was looking for new company. And Veej (my nickname for her based on her initials) was my conduit. You ...

Melina Abdullah

The Dysgenic Duo

Can America survive blacks and Jews? Nope. Thanks for reading, folks! See you next time. Uh...I seem to have come in a little short this week. Okay, I’ll be more detailed. I never speak much about my family, mainly for privacy reasons. I talk a lot about my Elvis-killing biological father, ...

The Intersectional Elephant

Last week I revisited a 2019 column of mine titled “Can the Right Fight Without Saying White?” The gist of that piece was that the right is trying to fight antiwhite racism without calling it what it is. In last week’s update, I pointed out that since the original 2019 column, other rightist ...

Say White?

In 2019 I penned a column titled “Can the Right Fight Without Saying White?” The gist was, you can’t fight antiwhite racism without calling it what it is. Several weeks ago Tucker Carlson, who used to tap-dance around the topic of antiwhite hatred, preferring to more obliquely condemn bias ...

Chuck D. from Public Enemy, 1991

The Age of Black Rage

General Mark Milley seems like a guy who’s been able to live a functional life while afflicted with minimal brain damage. Not enough damage to appear retarded; he can do a job, he can be social, he can probably solve basic math equations. But put him on the hot seat, make him answer questions ...

Tucker’s MAGA Millstone

Lemme tell ya a story ’bout a guy named Irv Rubin. Ran a little something called the Jewish Defense League. The JDL was dedicated to battling the “enemies of the Jewish people,” which sometimes meant Ay-rabs, sometimes “neo-Nazis,” sometimes anti-Zionist Jews, and sometimes Holocaust ...