The Trans-Continental Railroading of America’s Girls

This week’s column might come off as mawkish, but I’ll take that risk, as I want to revisit last week’s theme from a more personal angle. I’m writing this on what would’ve been my mom’s 91st birthday. And next week will be the seventh anniversary of her passing. So she’s very much ...

John Wayne vs. Cat Ladies (Spoiler: Wayne Loses)

I don’t care for kids; that’s why I never had any. That said, in my early 30s I did have one brief episode of dealing with children. I dated a Dominican woman who had an 11-year-old daughter. The absentee father was white. The kid was strikingly intelligent. It surprised me that I could carry ...

Words That Kill

How is “cancel culture” different from a boycott? It’s a question asked by leftists who think the whole “cancel culture” thing is rightist bunk. After all, in the 1980s and ’90s didn’t conservative Christians pioneer the concept of advertiser boycotts? Yes they did, and my first ...

Andrew Breitbart

Reappraising Breitbart

As this week’s column will post on the ten-year anniversary of Andrew Breitbart’s passing, I thought it would be appropriate to examine the man’s legacy. I’ll start with a personal anecdote, because I don’t want to be hanged! That could use some explaining. In August 2015 a rightist ...

Osho Rajneesh Drive-by in Rajneeshpuram

The Cults That Are Killing Us

I’ve devoted a lot of text to George Soros, the one-man army behind the U.S.’s catastrophic rise in violent crime, the obsessed, inflexible ideologue who personally funds the “progressive prosecution” and decarceration movements to the tune of billions annually ($18 billion in 2017 ...

“I Really Hate My Color Because I Look Like You”

Occasionally I’ve been known to slightly embellish a story for comedic effect, but the one I’m about to relate is 100% true. The house next door to me is cursed. Wait, no, that’s not the 100% true part...that’s just supposition. What’s true is that nobody ever lives there for more than ...

Thandiwe Newton

Hollywood Race War: Bloods vs. Skins

Once again, my timing was spot-on and a mile off. Last week’s column was about how, in Hollywood, Jews are now considered “white” by the blacks who’ve been affirmative-actioned into positions of power due to hiring quotas (for nonwhites) and caps (for whites). The very morning my piece ...

Hollywood’s Jews Get Their Wandering Papers

I’ve been working the “Hollywood apartheid” beat since before it was hip. Four years ago I reported on the USC Annenberg School’s push to force Hollywood to insert “inclusion riders” (“diversity” casting guarantees) in all industry contracts, and I predicted that soon enough those ...

Vincent Gallo

The Beejay Guy Is GOP? Victory Is Ours!

One of my favorite YouTube channels is called Fascinating Horror. It’s a British dude who narrates tales of little-known mass-casualty events over the centuries. I like the channel because occasionally he’ll dredge up an incident I’ve never heard of (and I’m pretty well-versed in historical ...

The Out-of-Focus Right

Three years ago I wrote about a girl I dated in the 1990s who slowly but inexorably fell to paranoid schizophrenia. The hardest part of the end-stage of that relationship was seeing the sudden shifts from lucidity to insanity. They’d come quickly and unexpectedly. We’d be enjoying a day at a ...