Daniel McCarthy

Daniel McCarthy

Daniel McCarthy is the editor of Modern Age: A Conservative Review.

President Donald Trump

Trump Inaugurates a New Era

Breathtaking: There's no other word for the sheer ambition and scope of Donald Trump's second inaugural address. President Trump is back with all the confidence of a man delivered from death for a purpose. Voters save his political life and legacy, too, by reelecting him in the face of every ...

Youth Movement

Can a different kind of conservative movement be built? Maybe. Pat Buchanan is one leader on the Right who clearly stands for a foreign policy, economics, and cultural vision very unlike those of the movement. That's not to say that Buchanan is right in all things"€”but he does represent ...

Is There Life Beyond the Party?

Of all the candidates for the 2008 Republican presidential nomination, only one took the time to address the 35th-annual March for Life on Jan. 22, the anniversary of Roe v. Wade. On the day of the march, this candidate, Texas Rep. Ron Paul, received the endorsement of Norma McCorvey, the eponymous ...

Further Notes on Nationalism

In the comments thread of my nationalism and patriotism piece, Aaron Wolf raises an important question: what is the American nation? Does a conservative nationalism have to be "€œwhite nationalism"€? I"€™ll answer the latter quickly by saying that conservative nationalism cannot be white ...

Nationalism is What We Need Now”€”The Case for an “€œUnpatriotic Conservatism”€

In most intellectual circles on the right, as well many in the center and on the left, it is fashionable to damn nationalism. Among conservatives, patriotism is held to be something almost always worthy of praise"€”though exactly what patriotism might entail has never been settled upon. As is so ...

Three Strategies for the Right

A few weeks ago Jim Antle and I went a few rounds on our personal blogs over Antle’s criticisms of Sen. James Webb here at Taki’s Magazine. Antle showed that Webb is no conservative; if anything, Antle argued, Webb is to paleoconservatism, what Daniel Patrick Moynihan was to ...

No, McCain Won”€™t End Abortion

Over at The Atlantic, Ross Douthat objects to Andrew Bacevich's conservative case for Obama. Douthat believes Bacevich has not given enough consideration to the possibility that McCain will appoint judges who will overturn Roe v. Wade. Douthat is here trotting out the familiar line of argument that ...

Life Beyond the Party

The antiwar, pro-life Right--including Ron Paul, Pat Buchanan, and others who've opposed the Iraq War--doesn"€™t fit the narrative that hawks and neocons have built over the past six or seven years. What is that narrative? Essays by Joseph Bottum in First Things and James Hitchcock in the Human ...

Huckabee: The New Huey Long

A tax-and-spend liberal like Huckabee has as little chance of uniting the Right as the untrustworthy Romney and socially liberal Giuliani. Ron Paul, on the other hand, already has the support of libertarians and antiwar ...

The Kirk Wars Continue

The New Republic is about the last place anyone would look for a fair reading of traditionalist conservatism. The magazine's review pages are often outstanding, with such contributors as American historian Gordon S. Wood and classicist Peter Green, and its exposes of Republican crooks can provide ...


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