“Fight for freedom, stand with Hong Kong,” Houston Rockets general manager Daryl Morey tweeted back in October about the pro-democracy demonstrations in Hong Kong. Although many people involved with the NBA, from players and coaches to team owners, league executives, and sportswriters, have ...
The National Association of Scholars has published an important new report called “Social Justice Education in America.” It’s “a comprehensive examination of the inner workings of social justice advocates at more than 60 universities and how they have insinuated themselves into the ...
Like The New York Times and other leading liberal newspapers, The Philadelphia Inquirer frequently publishes articles which seek to persuade readers that criminals are really victims, and that, therefore, what they deserve is not retribution but “treatment.” Profoundly biased, contrary to ...
“Can Protest Art Get Its Mojo Back?” asks Spencer Kornhaber in a July 2018 article in The Atlantic. For though it’s a shocking thing, given the characteristic courage and heroism of progressives, “[s]ince the 2016 election,” Kornhaber relates, “pop music and TV shows have emphasized ...
Lo, lefty artists across the land are speaking truth to power. How noble of them to rail against the aims of working-class white people to improve their lives and to be sovereign over the fate of their own nation! For instance, in the current issue of The Atlantic, Jeffrey Goldberg’s ever more ...
There are certain leftist ideas that, if one is to believe in them, it is necessary to live at a certain removal from reality, that rather pesky thing which never ceases to shatter comforting delusions. We are often told, for example, that there is something called “white privilege,” thanks to ...
The story of Ganave Fairley is a story of failure—not just of her own failed life, but also of a failed criminal justice system and a failed intellectual class that, led by a pernicious media, effectively rewards rationalizations, lies, and excuses. As a result, people are able to avoid facing ...
It is often said these days that there is little distinction between left-wing journalism and left-wing political activism, the former being essentially a vehicle for the latter. And certainly, considering things like The New York Times’ 1619 project, this judgment is fair. The old left was ...
Most Americans now take it for granted that universal education is a good thing, including in particular “higher education.” To be sure, only about a quarter of American adults have a bachelor’s degree, but even so, it’s commonly thought that the more of us who go to college, the better. A ...
The cultural levelers lost a formidable foe this week, the literary critic Harold Bloom dying on Monday at 89 years old. Bloom was still teaching at Yale, where he had spent a distinguished half-century. His was not, however, an uncontroversial career, for against the Marxists, feminists, queer ...