I was minding my own business reading about Bob Woodward, the GREATEST INVESTIGATIVE REPORTER IN THE HISTORY OF OUR REPUBLIC (as he will be the first to tell you), and came across this bit of genius from his book. According to The New York Times, Woodward is flabbergasted that former FBI Director ...
The left is very close to having a governing majority due entirely to immigration. Despite the promise of the Trump campaign, there isn't much standing in their way. Now, they're just running out the clock. Soon, we will have admitted so many immigrants that it will be too late to do ...
Apart from building the wall, President Trump's most important act as president so far was his attack on internet censorship this week. The left controls all the cultural institutions -- the establishment media, corporate America, Hollywood, Silicon Valley, public schools and universities. The ...
If you've ever wondered how Russia became America's most fearsome enemy, long after that country gave up Communism, gulags, forced starvations and mass murder (all of which liberals were cool with), the answer is: This crackpot idea came from the same woman who blamed a "vast right-wing conspiracy" ...
The media wanted last August's "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville to be the next "Bridge to Selma," an iconic civil rights moment honored by the entire country every year. All week, there were excited announcements of the coming anniversary this past Sunday. Assured of fawning media ...
If you’re worried about the social media monopolies censoring speech, just be happy they can’t put you in prison. Federal prosecutors are celebrating the one-year anniversary of the Charlottesville, Virginia, “Unite the Right” rally—isn’t this the ...
After all the wailing about the children streaming across our wide-open, wall-less border, there was very little media interest in the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Tuesday on this very subject. Knowing facts could interfere with their showboating displays of compassion. Among the facts ...
The city of New York released thousands of documents from the 1989 Central Park rape case last week, provoking more weeping and gnashing of teeth over Donald Trump’s full-page ads in four New York newspapers taken out soon after that attack with the headline: “BRING BACK THE DEATH ...
I don’t know what Trump said during that two hours when he met privately with Russian President Vladimir Putin, but like so many in the media, I know what I hope he said: Mr. Putin, I need you to publicly admit your complicity in our illegal alien problem. Only if Putin owns up to deploying a ...
The fact that the media responded to the nomination of a Supreme Court justice by obsessively covering Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn, Russia and NATO proves that Trump has checkmated them with Brett Kavanaugh. Liberals know they can’t stop Kavanaugh’s confirmation, so they’d just ...