Last week, U.S. District Court Judge William O. Bertelsman dismissed Nick Sandmann's $250 million defamation suit against The Washington Post for its stories about a mythical racist hate-crime allegedly committed by Sandmann, a Catholic schoolboy, against fake war hero and "Indigenous Person" ...
It is apparently part of Robert Mueller's contract with the media that he must always be described as "honorable" and a "lifelong Republican." (After this week, we can add "dazed and confused" to his appellation.) If it matters that Mueller is a "lifelong Republican," then I guess it matters that ...
While tearing down everything that's great about our country, the left has always permitted us to celebrate patriotic holidays. But this year, on the week that we commemorate the unveiling of the Declaration of Independence, Nike yanked a Betsy Ross tribute sneaker off the market because the ...
Everyone else wants the names of the FBI officials who approved the unprecedented law enforcement dragnet against low-level Trump aides in the middle of a presidential campaign. I want the names of the staffers at the Republican National Committee who prepared Trump's "backgrounders" on potential ...
Last week, we reviewed the evidence of "innocence" of the "Central Park 5" presented in the court of Hollywood. This week, we'll review the evidence of their guilt -- presented in courts of law and ruled on by actual judges and juries. The five accused rapists -- Kevin Richardson, Antron McCray, ...
The African folktale version of the 1989 Central Park gang-rape has swept the populace! The mob thirsts for vengeance against evil spirits, like Linda Fairstein. In the past week, Fairstein, the head of the sex crimes unit of the Manhattan District Attorney's office during the trials of the ...
New York City public school teachers recently revealed that they have been instructed to reject "objectivity," "written documentation" and "perfectionism" by Schools Chancellor Richard Carranza, as part of his effort to "dismantle racism." Carranza identified these values as tools of the ...
Over Memorial Day weekend, some shocking news broke about the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. David Garrow, Pulitzer Prize-winning King biographer, came across some new details about the FBI's secret bugs of King in the National Archives. (The full tapes are not scheduled for public release for about ...
Contrary to the image of potheads as peaceful stoners, "cannabis-dependent psychotic patients were four times as likely to be violent," Alex Berenson writes in his magnificent new book, Tell Your Children: The Truth About Marijuana, Mental Illness, and Violence. "No other factor was nearly as ...
Big news out of the White House this week! After a beehive of activity, Jared Kushner will finally be unveiling his comprehensive immigration plan! Reportedly, the proposed bill keeps the number of new immigrants per year at 1 million, but stresses merit-based admissions over familial ties. ...