The Democrats' sudden discovery of 77-year-old eminence grise Joe Biden has the electric feeling of Republicans settling on George H.W. Bush in 1992. (The Iowa Republican Party actually canceled the caucuses that year so as not to embarrass President Bush.) It's Democrats convincing themselves in ...
You might not have heard -- because Trump is still president, so MSNBC and CNN were required to give hair-on-fire coverage of some mundane action he's taken this week -- but on Monday, Harvey Weinstein was convicted of rape and a criminal sexual act. I have some random thoughts on the case and the ...
I wonder if any liberals are re-thinking their insistence that the Boy Scouts allow gay men to take 13-year-old boys on overnight camping trips. HEADLINE: Boy Scouts Files Chapter 11 Bankruptcy in the Face of Thousands of Child Abuse Allegations The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) have long been on ...
Idiot conservatives were doing the idiot thing this week, screaming "racism!" in response to an old tape of former Mayor Michael Bloomberg defending stop-and-frisk, one of the policies that drove New York City murder rates down to Mayberry levels. They weren't being ironic. In the 2015 tape, ...
It's been a great week! In Iowa, the party that claims to be devoted to "science" and "technology" demonstrated that it couldn't count to 10. Trump delivered a triumphant State of the Union address, highlighting all he's done to make America great again -- and attacking previous administrations ...
The tedium of the impeachment trial has at least allowed me to catch up on my reading. Apparently, there was a peaceful gun rights rally in Virginia last week that had the media in a panic. Today, I will explain how their hysteria about the gun rally is directly related to their hysteria about the ...
It's weeks like this that make me wish I had a job and didn't have to stay home watching TV. With the impeachment nonsense dragging into its 56th month, I have some random observations, only a few of which have anything to do with impeachment. 1) As tempting as it must be for Republican senators ...
Impeachments aren't what they used to be. Today, young people are supposed to be excited that the president withheld taxpayer money from Ukraine -- a half-billion-dollar foreign aid package that ticks off most Americans under any circumstances, going to a country notable for not being our country, ...
While listening to news reports of what a monstrous threat Iran is, I've been wracking my brain to think of a single terrorist attack in this country committed by an Iranian. If there is one, now would be a good time to mention it! But I can't find any. Nor any child rapes, Medicare frauds, heroin ...
America's apparently unstoppable gusher of mass Third World immigration is on track to deliver a sick, dystopian future, where some people will do very well -- cheap maids and all -- but women and children will fare quite poorly. (Finally! A story where women and children really ARE "hit ...