Thank God for the Proud Boys

A little more than a year ago, 2,000 antifa tried to shut down my speech at UC Berkeley, according to police on the scene. The Berkeley police chief had ordered her officers to stand outside the building like mute ninjas, and make no arrests, unless they personally witnessed a felony being ...

Marine Corps Lance Corporal Suzanne Collins

NYT: Was He Innocent? Answer: No

Here is this week's installment of "The New York Times is ALWAYS lying about criminals (and probably everything else)." The Times desperately wants you to believe that there are actual cases of innocent people being put to death in America. Their current poster boy for the cause is Sedley Alley, ...

El Paso, TX

My Nation-Unifying Impeachment Solution

Senate Republicans should offer to convict Donald Trump in return for Democrats agreeing to fund the wall. Trump is not going to run again anyway. In four years, he will be as viable a presidential candidate as Hillary was in 2020. You wouldn't have guessed that, either, from all the gnashing of ...

Liberals “Heart” Murderers

I assume it's overkill to continue listing the evidence against death row inmate Kevin Cooper, duly convicted of committing a quadruple murder back in 1983. The blinding proof of his guilt was covered in last week's column. To review, this included shoeprint evidence, footprint evidence, cigarette ...

Kevin Cooper

Quadruple Murderer is NYT’s Profile in Courage

Having run out of international con women to promote or innocent biological weapons researchers to accuse, The New York Times' Nicholas Kristof is banging on about a spectacularly guilty quadruple murderer who -- according to Kristof -- "is very likely innocent." In this belief, he is opposed by ...

First Duty of the Press: Make it About Race

Why can't liberals ever just let Trump hang himself? Isn't what he's actually done bad enough? No, the media always have to punch up the story, layering lie upon lie, until normal people are forced to say, I don't want to defend the guy, but that didn't happen. This was the whole point of my book ...

Donald J. Trump

Most Disloyal Man in History Finally Finds a Cause Worth Fighting For

Why, in the last 12 days of his presidency, did Donald Trump suddenly become the authoritarian of liberal fantasies? He sure wasn't an authoritarian for the past four years -- he was a spineless wonder. When it came to the wall, bringing the troops home, ending hedge fund managers' tax loopholes ...

President Trump

The Election is Over. Here’s the Truth About Trump

Now that the Georgia runoffs are over, let's talk about Donald Trump. When we really needed all hands on deck in Georgia, Trump was a wrecking ball. He went down to Georgia and insulted everyone, refusing to talk about anything but himself. Based on his rally speech this week, Trump apparently ...

Happy Kwanzaa! The Holiday Brought to You by the FBI

Vice President-elect Kamala Harris recently tweeted: "Our Kwanzaa celebrations are one of my favorite childhood memories. The whole family would gather around across multiple generations and we'd tell stories and light the candles. Whether you're celebrating this year with those you live with or ...

Is There a Vaccine Against Pandering?

It now appears that the greatest threat to black Americans isn't COVID, it's being pandered to death. As the distribution of vaccines got underway last week, the Centers for Disease Control was trying to ensure that black people would get the vaccine before the elderly (too white!), while the ...