ANSWER: "Sen. Tim Scott, Republican from South Carolina." QUESTION: "Who will loads of Republicans support for president in 2024?" I know this because ... I am Carnac the Magnificent! Also because Republicans have latched onto a black candidate for president every four years, pretty much ...
To use the cliche of the moment, these are deeply polarized times. But there are some issues so urgent that we must find common ground. At the top of that list is preventing police-citizen interactions from resulting in the deaths of either innocent civilians or dedicated police ...
To watch the hours of celebratory fist-pumping from government officials and black activists after the guilty verdicts against police officer Derek Chauvin this week, you'd think Minnesota had just won the NCAA tournament. One man is dead and another will be spending up to 40 years in prison. How ...
One of the main arguments being advanced by Eric Nelson, sole attorney for Derek Chauvin in his trial for the murder of George Floyd, is that the hostile crowd itself prevented the officers from attempting to perform CPR in the last minutes of Floyd's life. Even the prosecution's "use of force" ...
Apparently, no one is watching the trial of Derek Chauvin, the former Minneapolis police officer on trial for the murder of George Floyd. Otherwise, the media couldn't get away with their spectacular lying to the public about how the prosecution is killing it. It's quite the opposite. In fact, in ...
In modern America, we periodically offer up white men as human sacrifices to the PC gods. Among our benefactions: Jake Gardner, Kyle Rittenhouse, Darren Wilson, the Duke lacrosse players, University of Virginia fraternity members, Stacey Koon and Mark Fuhrman. The rest of us just keep our heads ...
Does anyone else find it odd that so many Asian activists reacted to the mass murder of (mostly) Asian women last week by talking about how smoking hot they are? I was at law school when I first noticed the phenomenon of liberal women pretending to be outraged as a cover for bragging. ...
President Joe Biden’s immigration bill will put virtually all illegal immigrants on a bullet train to citizenship, provided that they meet the onerous requirement of claiming to have entered the country before Jan. 1, 2021. Only terrorists and convicted felons are excluded — at least in theory, ...
A governing principle of the Democratic Party is to ask, "Who is in the dock?" before deciding whether to enforce the law. As we have seen throughout the last year of antifa/BLM riots, in blue states, it's now legal to commit arson, attempted murder, assault on a law enforcement officer and ...
I was a mere 70 pages into Donald McNeil's brief about his firing from The New York Times when I emailed a dozen of my friends to demand they read it immediately. But they don't have my perseverance, so here are the highlights. Two years after McNeil chaperoned a group of high schoolers on a trip ...