As with Robert Frost's two paths diverging in the woods, the COVID pandemic has hit a fork in the road. Back in 2020, when the virus first presented itself, anything could be forgiven. Trump could shoot hydroxychloroquine up his butt; Fauci could sneer at masks, then a week later demand that we ...
My ancestors were Presbyterian abolitionists who fought on the Union side, but I get really ticked off when imbeciles take a sledgehammer to my country's history. Last week, with self-satisfied glee, savages tore down the 14-foot statue of Robert E. Lee designed by the French sculptor Antonin ...
In honor of the 20-year marker of the 9/11 attacks, I thought I'd run excerpts from a few of my post-9/11 columns. One point I politely refrained from making 20 years ago: Why was the president of the United States reading "The Pet Goat" to a class of second-graders at the moment our nation was ...
Why does the establishment think that whenever something is amiss anywhere in the world, we need to scramble jets and fly in to fix it? There's a girl in Sudan who can't get treatment for a cut on her finger -- but they will treat the boy! Fire up the missiles! Naivete + hubris is a bad ...
The universal panning of President Biden's decision to finally leave Afghanistan is the mirror image of the one time the media loved Trump. Remember that joyous occasion? It was when he bombed Syria two months after taking office. Here's a sampling of the mash-notes to Trump for sending 59 ...
President Biden ended the war in Afghanistan earlier this week, fulfilling the broken promises of the last three presidents, whereupon both the liberal and conservative media rose up as one to shout: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! This is a blow to our national security! Al Qaeda is rising! A disaster! A ...
The New York Times recently ran an indignant article on the Department of Justice's arrest of two fugitives in Mexico who were accused of involvement in a mostly peaceful arson during the #BLM protests in the Twin Cities last year. As the Times described it: "One night in the Twin Cities, shortly ...
There's a disturbing trend among post-Trump populists to think that just because they've rejected the old GOP ideas about tax cuts and permanent war, they should also reject standard GOP ideas about big government social engineering projects. Currently, the most embarrassing of the allegedly ...
If I weren't already staunchly pro-vaccination, the vaccine zealots would turn me against the COVID shot. The proof that they're practicing religion and not science is their refusal to acknowledge the great heaping hunks of immunity a person gets from natural infection. Obviously, you don't want ...
As we discussed last week, "critical race theory" is a subtle philosophical construct where the answer to everything is: THAT'S RACIST! Teachers hawking this glop are being defended by their journalist allies, who sneer that CRT critics are too stupid to understand the nuances of the theory. The ...