Vincent Zhou, the world-class figure skater forced to pull out of the Olympics because of COVID, can thank Anthony Fauci and our COVID-crazed media for his withdrawal. In an agonizing Instagram post, Zhou expressed shock at the positive test, saying: "It seems pretty unreal that of all the ...
Last week, we covered the monumental lack of self-awareness of liberals denouncing others as "snowflakes," even as they force Amazon to remove books, tear down historical monuments, hide black suspects' race, and demand the immediate firing of anyone who mentions black performance on standardized ...
Gov. Ron DeSantis is pushing a bill through the Florida legislature to put a stop to the modern pedagogy of making little girls cry because they're white. The bill, called "Stop the Wrongs to Our Kids and Employees Act (WOKE)," prohibits classroom instruction that contradicts these concepts: "No ...
Our media are obsessed with Donald Trump, but Trump's obsessed with Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida. For months now, Trump's been playing the aging silent film star Norma Desmond in "Sunset Boulevard" to DeSantis' younger, prettier Betty Schaefer. Amid the hourly, annoying group emails to Trump's ...
Last week, we reviewed our ruling class's strange lack of interest in Jeffrey Epstein's child molestation ring, in which so many of them played a part. The media cover-up is second only to the government cover-up, with prosecutors delivering loss after loss in cases they've been forced to bring (by ...
Question: Is our ruling class trying to make us think they're a bunch of pederasts? Our media could not be less interested in Jeffrey Epstein's child molestation ring and, with the sole exception of the Palm Beach Police Department, every arm of government has bent over backward to bury the ...
It seems like all I hear these days is how liberals are red-hot for teaching history, while retrograde troglodytes on the right are demanding that we suppress the teaching of history by banning critical race theory (CRT). Haranguing students, day in day out, about their white privilege is just ...
They're doing it again. The New York Times is aggressively hiding relevant facts on a matter of public interest simply in order to promote the narrative of black victimhood. OK, we didn't get away with it last time, but we probably will this time. Let's try! Daunte Wright is the half-black man ...
Wow, the racial reckoning after George Floyd sure has gotten a lot of black people killed! According to the FBI, amid the extravaganza of violence following Floyd's death in 2020, an additional 2,400 black males and 405 black females were killed, compared to 2019. The post-Floyd murder surge of ...
Wow, the opposition press isn't what it used to be! In a Sunday interview with "The Sexiest Man Alive," Anthony Fauci, CNN's Jake Tapper played a clip of Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., criticizing Fauci for keeping the public in a state of raw panic over COVID. Johnson: "Fauci did the exact same thing ...