May 31, 2014
Lee Radziwill
Source: Shutterstock
I only bring this up wondering: what might Noor Hussain have done if a female friend tried to get him off the welfare rolls? If one kills over a dinner gone wrong, what does one dish out to someone trying to take one’s food off the table, so to speak, by getting one fired? This sounds like a cheap shot toward dear old Noor, but what the hell, I hope he forgives me while he cools his heels in some nice prison upstate. Being a Muslim, he’ll demand and get special treatment, which in a way is the biggest joke of all. You come, you don’t adjust, you kill, then demand special privileges.
But back to the sisterhood. Jill Abramson has given the girls an opportunity to screech and call her firing sexism, but in reality it was fascism that got her fired: her fascistic tendencies to be rude to underlings, and fire talented males in favor of less talented females. Sulzberger, her boss, should never have appointed her in the first place, but he’s been in over his head from the start. The businesses he’s bought have been disastrous, and the Times will not be with us in the long run, unlike the Wall Street Journal. Abramson was more suited to a downtown Yiddish alternative paper, dishing the dirt on white, churchgoing middle-class people who don’t believe in same-sex marriage. She was too vulgar even for New York, and proved it by wearing trainers and a tracksuit while giving the commencement speech at Wake Forest University a week after she was canned.
Unpopular editors don’t last, even in a snake pit like the Times. The word that comes to mind is a Yiddish one, tsuris, which she certainly produced. It means aggravation, and Abramson mistook tsuris for leadership. It ain’t so, Jill, so take up the banner of Noor’s poor wife and stop feeling sorry for your miserable self. You got what you deserved.