September 03, 2024

Source: Bigstock

Crime stories are part of the “racial America” beat, and it helps if you don’t let them get under your skin. That’s difficult with black-on-white crime, because of the blatant sadism often exhibited by the perpetrators. Making whites drink drain cleaner, making them bathe in bleach before being killed, executing store clerks as they cry and beg for their lives.

As I said, you can’t let it get to you.

But that story last week about the 80-year-old Seattle dog walker got to me.

Ruth Dalton started her dog-walking business, Grandma’s Critter Care, 35 years ago to help pay for her granddaughter’s private Christian school tuition. But Dalton so enjoyed the job, she kept doing it. She was loved by her neighbors, and the dogs.

Last week, as Dalton was loading her SUV with dogs to take to a park, Jahmed Kamal Haynes, 48, carjacked her. As a panicked Dalton opened the passenger door so the dogs could escape, Haynes pushed her to the pavement and ran her over, even backing over her body to ensure she was dead.

All the dogs except one—Dalton’s own pup, Prince Eric—escaped and were held by bystanders. Once Haynes had driven far enough, he slit Prince Eric’s throat, just because.

“Concurrent with the rise of GOP crime-softness, we see a plague of rightist social media influencers blaming dystopian black crime on…the Jews.”

Haynes, with eight prior felonies, is in custody, while the media covers for him with zeal (ABC News changed Jahmed Kamal Haynes to “James K. Hayes,” lest their viewers get any “racist” ideas).

My only hesitation in “flipping the switch” for Haynes’ lethal injection would be that such an end is too humane for him. I’d rather douse him in gasoline and toss a match, after using it to light a really good Cuban cigar first, to savor the moment.

That’s kind of a heavy opening, so I’m gonna segue to movies, which means I just lost Coulter; Ann hates it when I do movie nerd stuff. But there’s method to my nerdness.

One of the most tired and overused horror/sci-fi tropes is the “Decapitated Army” cliché (sometimes also called “Destruction Equals Off-Switch”). The gist is, the heroes face seemingly insurmountable odds from an army of aliens, zombies, or vampires, but wouldn’t ya know all they gotta do is destroy one thing and the army of bad guys is felled en masse.

Examples: Independence Day (cripple the mothership’s computer, all alien tech crashes), Battle L.A. (blow up the alien “brain machine,” all alien tech crashes), The Avengers (blow up the mothership, a million Chitauri soldiers drop dead), Lost Boys and Fright Night (kill the “head vampire” and every vampire becomes human again), Game of Thrones (kill the Night King and his army of the dead drops dead-again), Reign of Fire (kill the sole male dragon and all other dragons die off), etc.

It’s a cheap screenwriting trick, but audiences love it. With The Avengers, Joss Whedon actually apologized for employing the tired trope, but he said it was necessary to get a “final total victory” scene that would have filmgoers on their feet.

That’s the thing about overused movie clichés—they’re overused because viewers eat ’em up. The filmmakers are merely giving you what you want.

Remember that—the relevance will become clear shortly.

Crime should be a winning issue for Republicans. Leftist journalists giddily screech that “crime is down” from its BLM high in 2020, but much of that boils down to fewer arrests and prosecutions, not less crime. But still, the stats aren’t the issue. In 1988 Lee Atwater took one example, one sadistic black criminal—Willie Horton—and made an entire presidential race revolve around it.

And in 2024 we have Willie Hortons on every corner (blacks are only 6.7 percent of Seattle, but they still manage to do the most horrific crimes).

But the “we’ll blow our wins just to prove we’re not racist” GOP “evolved” on crime in the 2000s.

From the 2012 Republican Platform:

“While getting criminals off the street is essential, more attention must be paid to the process of restoring those individuals to the community. Prisons should do more than punish; they should attempt to rehabilitate and institute proven prisoner reentry systems to reduce recidivism and future victimization” with an “emphasis on restorative justice, to make the victim whole and put the offender on the right path.”

“Restorative justice” is a Soros term.

In 2016/2020, the platform praised “Republican Governors and legislators who have been implementing criminal justice reforms like those proposed by our 2012 platform.” Trump’s First Step Act released thousands of black criminals from prison (his “Platinum Plan” would’ve released thousands more); Trump bragged about that in his 2020 ads (Van Jones still brags about working with Trump to get “prison reform” passed). And even though Trump brags no more, trying to affect a “tough on crime” stance (too little too late, dumbass), at the RNC convention Lara Trump nevertheless touted “comprehensive prison reform” as one of Trump’s finest achievements.

In 2023, Destiny Carter, “advocacy manager” for Arnold Ventures (a pro-criminal LLC founded with Enron money), stated, “What’s encouraging now is that many conservative leaders are leaning into the power of collaboration. We’ve seen conservative legislators and executive leadership in red and purple states lead the way on key criminal justice reform issues. Even in blue states, we have seen bills pass unanimously with conservative support.”

Conservatives for Criminal Justice Reform (CCJR) is a “conservative” org dedicated to freeing black felons. Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt, “a national leader in red state criminal justice reform” who released a convicted black cannibal who post-commutation ate his white neighbor’s heart, is “a CCJR success story.”

The Nolan Center for Justice, established by the American Conservative Union Foundation (CPAC), same deal. According to Kaitlin Owens, Nolan’s deputy director of advocacy, “The tough on crime, ‘lock them up, throw away the key’ mindsets of the 1980s and ’90s are a thing of the past.”

You knew CPAC is execrable, but you may not have known how execrable.

Finally, there’s Right On Crime. Founded in 2007, this org “supports conservative solutions” for “restoring victims, reforming offenders, and lowering taxpayer costs” (i.e., decarceration). Its signatories include Jeb Bush, Mike “granted clemency to a black rapist who went on to execute four cops” Huckabee, Asa Hutchinson, Rick Perry, Bob Barr, Jim DeMint, Newt Gingrich (of course), J.C. Watts, Grover Norquist, Ralph Reed, Richard Viguerie, William Bennett, L. Brent Bozell, Monica Crowley, and Erick Erickson (RedState).

Republicans blew this issue. A combination of sentimentality (“Oh, those poor blacks…I’ll save ’em!”), frustration (“Nothing seems to lower black criminality. Maybe we should try a little tenderness”), and black idealization (“I’m going after the black vote! Fuck blue-collar whites; their support doesn’t make me cool!”) neutered the GOP on an evergreen winner.

DeSantis is a notable exception; not a week goes by that the soft-on-crime homos at Reason don’t attack DeSantis for bucking the “restorative justice” trend. Good thing Republican primary voters showed that fascist the door real quick!

Concurrent with the rise of GOP crime-softness, we see a plague of rightist social media influencers—people with a combined hundred million followers—blaming dystopian black crime on…the Jews. Candace Owens, Dan Bilzerian, Jackson Hinkle, Jon Miller, Jake Shields, Owen Benjamin, Nick Fuentes, and Elon Musk (via his retweets) are obsessed with the notion that violent black crime is caused by Jews.

End the Jew, and the problem will go away.

See, this is that movie trope I talked about. The storytelling shortcut soft-skulled moviegoers crave, now adapted for real-world application by the softest skulls on the right. Just blow up the “big bad”—the mothership, the head vampire—and everything will magically return to normal!

In past columns I’ve pointed out that American WASP sentimentally toward blacks predated East European Jewish immigration (something the KKKletuses will never admit). But the bigger picture is it doesn’t matter where the sentimentality started. When a bad idea takes hold, you can’t stop it by killing the originator. If you murdered every Jew tomorrow, would North Korea stop being communist just because you killed some descendants of Marx?

It’s idiotic.

“Soft on black crime” has a life of its own now, whether one wants to pin the origin on weepy WASPs or jerky Jews. One needn’t “blow up the mothership” to bring down black crime; one need only persuade the GOP to return to its 1990s formula—those tough-on-crime policies worked (they worked so well, Biden and the Clintons adopted them at the time).

But that ain’t gonna happen, not when so many of you and the influencers you worship act like Trump winning black votes is the only “victory” that matters.

Be honest—how many times have you salivated at a tweet about how “blacks are switching to Trump”?

The problem ain’t Jews…it’s youse. Until you get to the point where the first thing you think of when a GOP mentions blacks isn’t “if blacks support us, we’ll be cool!” but rather “what’s your plan to lock up their unsalvageables?” this problem will not abate.

Ironically, the half-wit influencers are doing exactly what they accuse “the Jews” of doing: using pseudo-intellectual bullshit to flummox the white man into losing the perfectly natural hatred he should feel toward creatures like Jahmed Haynes. Lee Atwater channeled the “angry white male” to electoral victory by making whites passionately furious about current events. Retards like Candace Owens do the opposite; they want whites angry about shit that happened a century ago.

“Forget Jahmed Haynes. Be angry about Leo Frank, who ‘framed’ a poor innocent black man in 1913! Be angry about the Talmud and the ‘Frankists’ and the lies about ‘human lampshades’ at Buchenwald in 1945! Forget practical political solutions to current problems; just kill the ancient demons and the spell will be broken and we’ll be free!”

Remember—it’s easy to dismiss Owens, Fuentes, et al. as meaningless beyond social media, but they’re distracting tens of millions of right-leaners with nonsense that has no relevance to electoral politics. If you think waylaying that many everyday rightists won’t have a real-world effect on elections, well…good for you. I’m sure you thought Game of Thrones was a documentary.

Just a week ago it was revealed that the Wilks brothers—the billionaire oil-baron funders of Daily Wire, Shapiro, Boreing, and Prager—were about to ink a deal for Fuentes to enter the big-money mainstream. The Wilkses wanted the deal, as, apparently, did Boreing (who banned me from Friends of Abe in 2013 for things I’d said about Auschwitz in 1992, but now he’s down for collaborating with akshual Nazis because his milk-teats tell him to. Hey, dude knows who buys his toupees!).

Funny enough, it was Fuentes who nixed the deal; the Wilks Bros. were all-in.

So that’s your future, folks. Say goodbye to GOP practical policies on crime. The future is “slay the Happy Merchant mothership, and crime will go down.”

And then you’ll wonder why it’s the GOP that went down instead.


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