July 04, 2013
Source: Shutterstock
For too long we have waited. We have paused with trepidation followed by jubilation of a momentary triumph in some battle which has done little but weaken our overall reserve in this great war of being. Always there is another bill or comprehensive notion poised to put under our petty victories of a year or two before.
We look for aid from our military, which has been and is in the process of being purged of any national sentiment. In desperation we beg law enforcement for our rescue, as they deem some laws more worthy than others with the few of any honor bankrupted into submission. We hope for something, anything, we know not what, to happen. And all that happens is things become steadily worse for us.
Now we are called upon again to make telephone calls. An email when we remember or, if possible, to convince ten friends to join the effort. If we can spare a moment to spare our souls, perhaps a letter would be convenient. Should we prevail this final time, a dubious proposition at best, we will fail the next. Our tactics are suited to a country that has passed us by. It no longer exists, and if we persist in refusing to recognize our anachronisms we shall soon cease to exist ourselves.
We have reached the curious point where what must be done is what we cannot say. Words have failed us too often before and desert us now. All fine passions are eventually betrayed by euphemisms and politicking.
We are forbidden to speak of race and if we cannot speak of race then we cannot combat the inane notion that all races are of equal ability or of equal value to a technological or civilized society.
We are at the juncture of the Great Absurd where everything is called by what it is not and nothing can be altered without action. We cannot defeat what we cannot honestly criticize, and our opponents have robbed us of this power.
We know something must be done; not in the name of a cause or a party or a slogan or even a flag, but simply in the name of self-preservation. When the moment of decision comes, every individual of good conscience must decide for themselves the form of their personal contribution.
While we may pray that there is another solution, we know there is not.