May 24, 2014

She had just been to Charlottesville to see her and I asked if the Honor system was still on. And how, she answered. Melanie gave a party next to my fraternity where everyone wore jackets and ties, everything was yes ma’am and yes sir, and not a single F-word was heard throughout a long evening of partying. That’s how it was when the poor little Greek boy was there five years ago—make that 57—which goes to show that the reason we have people like the Kardashians and James Stunt—he is Bernie Ecclestone’s son-in-law—and other such contemptible parasites and sleazeballs is not hard to figure out. Excessive materialism, blurring of the genders, breakdown of marriage, the spread of pornography, the violence of movies, the decline of the church, and laws forcing people to be ashamed and frightened to even acknowledge the slightest of differences between races.

Add to that the disappearance of practices that served us for thousands of years, such as marriage and family, going to church, having good manners, and respecting moral authority. Honesty today is a mere convenience that can be disregarded whenever it no longer serves a purpose. We have all learned from our leaders to lie whenever it’s convenient, and at times even to lie when a truth would serve one better. Finally, we have learned to love ourselves, always blame others, and if all else fails, seek counseling. Well, I’ve said it all before, but becoming father of the bride has matured me rather suddenly.



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