September 27, 2016
Source: Bigstock
I”d go on, but Canadian poet David Solway’s crabby take on this “orgiastic sobfest” cannot be bettered. (Not surprisingly, it was published by an American outlet.)
And then it was over. Finally.
Except until it wasn”t.
Before you could say, “How can I miss you if you won”t go away?” Saint Downie the Dying was back in the news, cuz oh hey didn”t we mention? He’s got a new project.
Turns out he’s written a book (and an album, and a CBC special) about an Indian boy who ran away from a residential school fifty years ago and died. (Residential schools being those evil places where nuns and priests committed the horrible crime of teaching aboriginal kids to read and write“a project, by the way, that was considered THE progressive thing to do back then.)
Oh, and care to make a donation to the Gord Downie Secret Path Fund for Truth and Reconciliation? (Yep, Canada has its own South Africa-inspired
extortion of white suckas
national racial healing project, which”ll be as super-duper successful as the original.)
Now, remember: Cultural appropriation is bad.
Jewish guy Steven Spielberg had no business making The Color Purple, right? White girl Gwen Stefani was a bitch for wearing an Indian headdress? And why should this Halloween be different from any other? Disney is “under fire for “full body brownface” Moana Halloween costume,” and it’s not even October.
So here’s my point: Gord Downie is no more an Indian than “Grey Owl.” (And guess what? When I Googled “Grey Owl” to provide you with background, the Historica page presented me with a pop-up about…Downie’s new project!)
Surely the proprietors of Indian, Inc.”the chiefs whose annual salaries are, in some cases, higher than the prime minister’s (with the added bonus of being tax-free)”are denouncing this presumptuous, pretentious, pale-faced “rock star’s” white privilege, eh? How dare he write about one of their own?
Ha, no.
Because all the money this project makes is going into these race hustlers” already bulging coffers.
Anyhow, while I was writing this, the body of a Native woman painter of some repute was dragged from the Ottawa River. Another day, another dead Indian. I doubt Maclean’s will devote half their next issue to her, or even put her on the cover. But what do I know? I”m just an evil white racist.