October 03, 2024

Source: Bigstock

I don’t mean to sound like a sore loser, but while Netanyahu is prancing around the ring with arms raised high à la Rocky, it was an ultimatum from the IDF’s high command that led him to give the go-ahead to kill off Hezbollah’s leader. He even made sure to be out of the country in case something backfired, but be that as it may, Israel has won big, probably its most brilliant victory since the sneak attack on Egypt in June 1967.

No matter what the so-called experts say or write now, all those hundreds of thousands of Hezbollah missiles pointed at the heart of Tel Aviv were always to be taken with a very large spoonful of salt, believe you me, as they used to say in Hollywood. The Israeli disinformation and propaganda machine cannot be compared to any other. “Compare” is the wrong word. There are disinformation bureaus, and then there is the Israeli one. Israel can count on every Jewish-owned newspaper or TV network, or government services of any country—especially the United States—and its own services are so good at placing useful disinformation in the right places that even its own intelligence services have at times been totally misinformed.

“Israel is an apartheid state and will continue to be one.”

Ever since the fall of the incompetent Shah back in 1979, Israel has not only totally infiltrated Iran’s secret service, it has most of its personnel in its pay. Ditto for the Palestinian resistance and so on down the line. In America, the neo-cons do Israel’s bidding without pay, as it was shown back during George W. Bush’s tenure. Bush administration cogs Paul Wolfowitz, Elliott Abrams, Douglas Feith, and the Kagan brothers, all Jewish, all telling a tiny-brained George W. to be a hero and attack the nuclear-armed Saddam before it was too late. We all know the rest. That must have been one of Israel’s finest hours, as hundreds of thousands died, Iraq disintegrated, and any kind of Arab alliance to thwart Israel’s expansionist plans went up in smoke. What I find amusing is how easily duped the Fourth Estate is by Israeli disinformation, and how easy it is for Israeli agents to misinform so-called journalists about the impending doom faced by that brave little island of democracy in the middle of the Arab sea of sand.

The result of all this is that Americans are seen by the rest of the world as morally repugnant capitalists exploiting weaker people in the Middle East. The all-powerful Israeli lobby has ensured American support, no matter how extreme the actions of Israeli religious fanatics become, and the latest massacres in Beirut of Hezbollah confirm it. Mind you, Hezbollah, Hamas, and Iran have turned out to be paper tigers. They talked a very tough game, but when Israeli bombs began to drop, they folded quicker than you can say hands up. And Israel knew that since the beginning, but it had to clown around about being in mortal danger and all that because Joe Biden was playing statesman and was trying to control matters. If it weren’t for the thousands of young men who are now blind in Beirut, and the thousands upon thousands of women and children lying dead under the rubble in Gaza, the whole thing would be a big laugh, but no one’s laughing except the Israelis.

So what happens now? I do not need to ask the oracle, it is very simple: The hilltops and most of the towns in the West Bank will slowly but surely become Israeli-owned territory. Israel is an apartheid state and will continue to be one. The Saudis will be Israel’s next big ally, especially if the Donald is elected. Palestinian statehood is as dead as those thousands of innocents buried under Gaza wrecks. Iran will continue to talk but less tough, and the regime’s days are numbered.

While military success does not always bring true peace, it does demoralize the opposition. Jihadism is no different. It waxes and wanes depending on battlefield success, and Hezbollah, Hamas, and their Iranian masters are not looking so tough at the moment. The Lebanese are dreaming of a future without Hezbollah dominating the nation, and there are Sunnis and Christians celebrating the drubbing of Hezbollah. What I’m grieving about is the future of the innocent Palestinians, now at the mercy of the grotesquely cruel religious Israeli settlers. And also of the young Hezbollah blind and wounded who actually believed that they were a force for good in liberating occupied territory. Now is the time for Israel to show magnanimity, but that’s like asking a tiger to change its stripes. It ain’t gonna happen.


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