September 05, 2012

The three percent or so of American voters who are Jewish usually vote Democrat. They are an educated and wealthy bloc who seem to set reason aside when it comes to Israel.

In order to win their vote, Republicans are now debasing themselves in front of such grotesque lowlife shysters as Sheldon Adelson, a Las Vegas casino owner whose looks reflect his morals. Romney took a back seat to him in Tel Aviv, as did the ghastly Newt Gingrich, who said Palestinians are an “€œinvented”€ people. AIPAC has a blacklist of lawmakers who are considered not one hundred percent pro-Israel. The list is very, very small. Politicians know their money supply will dry up if they”€™re perceived not to be solidly behind the sole Middle Eastern nuclear superpower.

Netanyahu is known to regard Palestinians with contempt, and his plan to drive them out of the West Bank altogether and into Jordan is no secret. Although North Korea, Pakistan, and India possess nuclear weapons, we have learned to live with them. Not where Iran is concerned, and the mullahs are not even close”€”if ever”€”to achieving nuclear capabilities. The Likudists want war because in the turmoil of its aftermath”€”terrorism on land and sea, the Strait of Hormuz’s closing, and Hezbollah raining rockets against northern Israel”€”the army and settlers can drive most Palestinians from their lands once and for all.

Netanyahu’s natural constituency is the settlers, those ultra-Orthodox maniacs who claim the West Bank as their own and see Arabs not unlike the way the Nazis considered the Jews. The settlers find nothing wrong with brutally controlling another people against their will. Graffiti in their streets demonstrates their hidden dreams: “€œNo Arabs no Gentiles.”€

Yes, we have come to this. The Adelsons of this world are telling American lawmakers and the media how and what to think and do. Netanyahu began as a marketing man, a huckster, and he knows exactly which buttons to push where Americans are concerned. He is the ultimate con man who will lead us to Armageddon.

Image of Israel courtesy of Shutterstock


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