August 14, 2015
Source: Shutterstock
Canada has no interest in debate. The Canadian Human Rights Commission has made it very clear that they consider free speech strictly an “American concept,” so they “don”t give it any value.” They don”t want to debate Roosh. They want him stifled. Forty-four thousand people signed a petition to “deny Roosh V accommodation.” Warning posters were plastered all over Montreal. They made signs with slogans such as “Why are you afraid of consensual sex?” They held protests and yelled, well, nothing. Both the mayors of Toronto and Montreal insisted Roosh was not welcome in their cities. Roosh’s original Montreal venue canceled the talk and he was forced to do it last minute at a secret location. That night, he was stalked on the street and attacked. His talks have nothing to do with that rape hypothetical from six months ago. They”re about meeting girls. The crusaders for justice don”t care. While they use disgusting language like “die cis scum” and #killallmen, they go through our history with a fine-tooth comb hysterically pointing out rude adjectives like “decaying.” It’s like being admonished by Sid Vicious for using your iced-beverage spoon instead of your oval soupspoon.
Roosh has fired back. The Toronto show will happen just as the Montreal one did. He’s hired bodyguards and rented several decoy venues for the event. Just as the Confederate flag has now become a symbol of the First Amendment, Roosh’s innocuous advice seminars on meeting girls are also now a symbol of free speech. To combat the narrative, he just released a video claiming feminists hate him because of his Middle Eastern heritage and they need to check their privilege. Roosh is as committed to Islam as he is committed to the legalization of rape, but this is a checkmate move because this whole fight was never about rape or women’s rights. It’s about the narrative. And the narrative is not just illogical, it’s completely insane.