December 21, 2012
Rap claims to be about “keeping it real,” but it’s way too conventional to be considered rebellious. Where rock stars are vilified for selling out when they make a buck, rappers can endorse virtually anything, and it’s all about gettin’ paid. One of the most ostentatious examples of this is the commercial Mya and Common did for Coke about how they’d never sell out. It has images of disgusting rock stars making money while the two rappers sing, “Gotta make it real, really, really real.”
Today’s rappers can do no wrong, no matter how much wrong they do. We’ve got Jay-Z, an ex-crack dealer, opening stadiums and leading parades. Children dress as pimps and hookers for Halloween and their favorite toy makes them sound like the guy who turned a gospel classic into an “alcoholic anthem.” It seems like the more offensive rap gets, the more popular it becomes. When rapper Nicki Minaj was invited to perform at the Grammys, she showed up with a date dressed as the Pope. Her performance included an altar boy praying to her vagina. Why did this spark little more than an angry letter? When R&B singer and actor Jamie Foxx told SNL’s predominantly white audience that he thinks it’s cool to kill “all the white people,” they applauded him. White kids aren’t offended when Brand Nubian say, “Won’t be satisfied ‘til the devils, I see them all dead” or Menace Clan say, “Kill whitey” or Bone Thugs-n-Harmony say, “gonna be more devils dying” or Apache sings, “Kill D’White People…but buy my record first.” They say it makes them feel “invincible.” That’s the curious thing about white people; they think extinction makes them live longer.
We get Piss Christ and shit Mary, but when someone makes a movie that’s critical of Islam, they either get stabbed or thrown in prison. The message we’re sending our kids is clear: Blacks and Muslims are right, while whites and Christians are wrong.
When the messiah himself said, “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam,” he also included the line, “But to be credible, those who condemn that slander must also condemn the hate we see in the images of Jesus Christ that are desecrated….” The fact that Malkin got such a hyperbolic backlash shows how far from credibility we’ve strayed.
You don’t have to be white or Christian to belong in America, but for Christ’s sake, show some respect. You’d take your shoes off if you walked into someone’s house in Japan and you wouldn’t joke about “killing all the Nips.” I don’t care if you’re black or Muslim. You get the same rules we all do, so stop being a petulant brat when you’re caught misbehaving.
Merry Christmas.
Not “Happy Holidays””Merry Christmas.