November 12, 2016
Source: Bigstock
Americans have been to the polls. Everything is over but the shouting — by the loser, that is: honest Hil. I predicted that the best Trump could have hoped for was winning the popular vote but losing the Electoral College but I got it wrong: the Donald has triumphed. An underfunded campaign — he spent barely half of what she did — with a skeletal crew and without the party’s full backing won out because not all of America agrees with the values of Jay Z, Beyoncé, Springsteen, Hollywood in general and gay marriage in particular.
Trump appealed to those who have been snubbed, the great ignored. They are mainly blue-collar whites who had long been belittled and overlooked by the media, until suddenly their knight in a shiny gold Cadillac appeared. In a rare moment of openness, Hillary described these people as ‘deplorable’. Basically, Trump’s message was that to embrace extremism was to acknowledge the danger in absolute terms: no more Muslims coming in, no more Nafta, a wall to stop Mexicans, and so on. Even more profoundly, even nice, unsophisticated Americans wondered why Hillary or Obama had been so squeamish about calling a spade a spade, i.e., radical Islamic terrorism. As a Trump follower wrote, ‘Moderation in the pursuit of evil is no virtue.
Imperfect as Trump was as a candidate, his enemies are the very same people who are shocked (in the manner of Captain Renault) by the ignorance of hoi polloi, and who decided long ago that these people are not to be trusted. You know the kind: Beltway insiders, media pundits, academics, policy professionals, Hollywood types, fashion elites, TV celebrities, professional race hustlers, gay activists; you name what’s in the news nowadays, they were against the Donald. They are part of the arrangement. Their European counterparts are in the EU, and among the Remainers.
If one had to slice it down even further, this election was basically the politically correct versus the politically incorrect. Although blue collars may not sound too sophisticated to snotty-nosed Beltway insiders, the blues know that this is no longer a war between nation states but a fight between civilisations: Islam and the West. An American president with an IQ lower than his younger daughter’s age invaded the Middle East, claiming that the region would welcome having American values imposed upon it. Hillary voted for that disastrous action; Trump was against it from the start. Americans see Europe and cringe. They see ‘Frenchmen’ cheering as their white countrymen are murdered in cold blood by Muslims and realise that this is a war fought by immigration. They put two and two together and calculate that in 100 years there will be more Muslims in Europe than white European Christians, and that Sharia law will be imposed from above. And they also see a Dutch MP on trial for speaking against unlimited immigration, an MP, incidentally, who was refused entry to the UK for being right-wing, whatever that means.
One political philosopher at Oxford asked, ‘What gives a country the right to control its borders?’ Well, I’m asking who gave his mother the right to give birth to such a moron, but then not everyone is as rude as yours truly. And then, of course, the R-word comes into it. That’s what the election was and will be all about in the near future. Race is to America what immigration is to Europe: the large pachyderm crowding everyone out of the chic drawing-room in Chelsea.