January 07, 2025
Source: The Royal Society
In the 1964 movie Lady in a Cage, Olivia de Havilland stars as a fancy lady with a broken hip who finds herself trapped in her staircase elevator during a power outage. Her cries for help alert the “wrong element”; James Caan (his first substantial role) plays a burping, grunting thug who, along with his blonde girlfriend and greasy Mexican sidekick, decides to ransack the house, all while taunting the “lady in a cage” with jabs about sex and status.
If you haven’t seen it, I bet you just can’t wait!
All throughout the movie Caan and his gang show an absolute disregard for human life. They kill a wino just for kicks (“thrill killing” being a huge movie theme back then, as opposed to daily headlines today), they taunt a fat lady. I mean, these guys are real jerks.
Eventually, de Havilland pries off two small sections of the elevator gate, which she uses to stab Caan in the eyes. As he stumbles around the house blind, bleeding, begging for help, his two accomplices laugh at him, mock his plight, his weakness. Now he’s the victim of the cruelty, the amorality, he encouraged in his own gang.
Watching the comeuppance, de Havilland screams, “He who sows a terror reaps a terror!”
I won’t say it’s a good film, but that is a good line. With significance beyond a 1960s potboiler.
Elon Musk sowed a terror, and now he’s reaping it.
And it’s a joy to watch. It’s a joy to watch that doughy plate-lipped troll’s pasty face grow red with fury like a Warner Bros. cartoon character as he battles it out with MAGA over H-1B visas, immigration, and “racism” toward Indians.
We all know the by-now infamous “Take a big step back and FUCK YOURSELF in the face” line, directed at MAGAs who are against flooding the nation with Indians. But of greater interest is the “contemptible fools” thread, in which Musk, responding to a tweet by Scott Adams about MAGA risking election losses via anti-Indian sentiment, stated:
Yes. And those contemptible fools must be removed from the Republican Party, root and stem.
Followed by…
The “contemptible fools” I’m referring to are those in the Republican Party who are hateful, unrepentant racists. They will absolutely be the downfall of the Republican Party if they are not removed.
Followed by…
The point was not to replace DEI, which is one form of racism/sexism, with a different form of racism/sexism, but rather to be a meritocratic society!
And then a separate tweet:
Yes, cut the racism crap now!
And finally:
Algorithm tweak coming soon to promote more informational/entertaining content. Too much negativity is being pushed.
Aaaaaand scene.
Charlie Chaplin was known for his comically pursed lips and stark white face. Musk looks a lot like Chaplin, but he’s way funnier. Here’s a guy who’s spent his entire time running X retweeting racists and Holocaust deniers. Boosting them. I’m not talking about “giving them free speech on the platform.” I’m talking about actively promoting people who have anti-Jewish views (“promoting” in terms of retweeting them or engaging with them approvingly in a thread). And now that it’s come around to bite him in the ass, Mr. “rocket genius who doesn’t understand cause and effect” is angry. Angry at the exact thing he helped nurture.
That’s childish, that’s idiotic, that’s Musk.
When you’re the richest man in the world with the largest platform in the world and you boost something, anything, you cannot then act shocked when it grows.
But the really funny part is, Musk was apparently unaware that the anti-Jewish accounts he boosted are also anti-Indian.
For example, one virulently Jew-hating account Musk boosted by outright recommending it to his 210 million followers is @WarMonitors. But what does that account think of Indians? Well, the account’s anon owner claims that “radical Indians” “masturbate to rape,” saying of Indians, “the majority of them cannot integrate properly.” The account tweeted “you think i genuinely give one shit if you think im racist towards all indians?” and responded to a pro-Israel tweet by Geert Wilders (“We all stand with Israel”) with “ahahahahha no it’s only your inbred kind and indians, match made in heaven.” The account tweeted “Do you see me calling for people to die/celebrating their death when it comes to ukraine/sudan? no only westerners and Indians are doing thats shit,” and the account owner brags that his pre-Musk Twitter was nuked because of things he said that “pissed off Indians” (no worries, though; thanks to Musk the new account has 1.1 million followers).
Musk recommended this account to all of X.
Another person Musk retweeted because of his anti-Jewish views? Holocaust denier and self-described “raging anti-Semite” Keith Woods. Sure, Woods hates Jews, but he despises Indians as well. And when British patriot Tommy Robinson refused to denounce “Hindus and Sikhs,” Woods tweeted “Tommy Robinson is a traitor and a sellout, not a nationalist” (Musk claims to support Robinson, but he championed Robinson’s foes. Nice going, idiot). Woods routinely calls for an end to ALL Indian immigration to the U.K.
But that’s small potatoes compared to another account Musk retweeted: @breakingbaht. Again, Musk retweeted this guy because of his anti-Jewish views. But what are @breakingbaht’s views on Indians?
While the Indian guy and the Muslim argue, can we just sort of load them quietly into cannons pointed East?
Asians, sure. Not Indians. They have some of the lowest population score IQs in the world.
I’m not *rejecting* her. I’m *rejecting* her culture. I’m. Not. Fucking. Indian. I don’t *want* to be Indian. I want *my* culture. *My* language.
All of those countries are first world nations. India isnt. Why? Do they need more indian immigrants?
The weirdo meter is off the charts for Indian men. This is basically where the memes about DMing stalkers come from.
Yea, a lot of people thought mass migration was okay as long as they’re Indian IT people. They’re horrible. They don’t even make less, too. It makes absolutely no sense to go after them like we do. There’s more hungry white IT people who’re better and will work for less.
The idea that America somehow started the moment a Indian people worked in IT departments is such insane, racist nonsense.
In late December @breakingbaht tagged Musk regarding the H-1B debate:
This literally all started with a plethora of Indians and tech bros that *clearly* have a deep dislike of whites and were openly trying to spread anti-white European shit all over here on Christmas before spending the next few days calling “Americans” stupid and lazy. Why is any of this anti-racist rhetoric directed at this people. Why is it not even vaguely directed at your own *employee* @yacineMTB posting a string of racist shit?
Funny…that one Musk didn’t retweet!
There are a dozen other examples of anti-Jewish accounts boosted by Musk that also encourage negative attitudes toward Indians, but I can’t make this entire column tweet-quotes. I think you get the idea.
Or do you?
See, in all three of the above instances, Musk boosted those accounts because they expressed anti-Jewish sentiment. He’s fine with that. And if you call him out on it, he’s like LULZ LULZ FREE SPEECH LULZ LULZ!
But the minute the hatred is turned against South Asians, for some reason the man discovers his “anti-racist principles,” and the LULZing stops. Now it’s serious. Now all of a sudden spreading hate is bad and must be stopped, the “racists removed root and stem” from the Republican Party.
To quote the great philosopher Rachel Zegler, “Weird, weird.”
Why did the Christmas 2024 debate over Indian immigration turn into The Day the LULZing Died?
Musk is transparent, and I don’t just mean his translucent albino skin. It’s got nothing to do with “principle.” He and his tech bros can’t risk losing all those low-wage indentured servants. It’s the very lifeblood of their industry. That’s why all of a sudden racism’s bad, and racists must be exiled, banned, rooted out. To a guy like Musk, it stops being fun the moment his profit margin is imperiled. He’s Willy Wonka and you’re threatening his low-wage disposable Oompa-Loompas.
Elon’s anger betrays him. You struck a nerve, you hit his bottom line.
Did you really think that beneath the impish little scamp routine—a crypto-coin about a DOG? CHARMING!—and the “noble altruist” routine—“conquer Mars for mankind!”—there wasn’t a businessman with a bottom line?
MAGA’s gullible, but you can’t be that gullible. All your right-leaning billionaires, no matter how quirky, watch the books.
And when it comes to cheap imported South Asian labor, there’s where Elon morphs from “America first” to “Elon first.”
You shoulda seen it coming.
At least now MAGA gets the picture. All of Musk’s talk about how you mustn’t be racist toward Indians because their expertise is needed to keep tech and science up and running is bullshit, because don’t Jews also have “expertise” that is “needed to keep tech and science up and running”?
Yet you’re free to insult Jews on X. Musk might even retweet you.
But the minute you insult Indians, out come the principles, out comes the scolding, out comes the call for purges and party purification and algorithm tweaks, out comes his December 29 tweet, “Please post a bit more positive, beautiful or informative content on this platform.”
Saran Wrap is less transparent. He needs an incoming endless flood of these people because tech is built on low-wage immigrant workers, so now suddenly he’s telling you to play nice.
As usual, Ann Coulter said it best: “American workers can leave a company. Imported H1B workers can’t. Tech wants indentured servants, not ‘high-skilled’ workers.”
And if Mr. LULZer would just come right out and say that, I might have some respect for the guy. But no, he has to hide behind “anti-racist principles” like a sniveling coward.
To invoke Norm Macdonald (second time this column), the hypocrisy’s the worst part.
To refer back to the beginning of this piece, Musk has nobody to blame but himself. He built X on content that is far from “positive, beautiful or informative.” And he’s furious that the terror he sowed, his bottom line is reaping.
I hope MAGA kicks his ass, and as Trump sides with Musk on such a defining issue, I hope MAGA expresses its displeasure most vocally.
Maybe storm the White House. You know, right after your J6 pardon.
Now that would be a gag worthy of LULZ!
To be sure, the most effective opponents of flooding the nation with H-1B Indians has been and always will be the intellectual, sane, truly principled foes of Third World immigration like Ann, and GOP-base voters, who don’t hate Indians, they just don’t want to be at the back of the line for jobs in their own country.
But I do love seeing Musk take it up the ass from the loonies on his own site.
Couldn’t happen to a nicer goy.