December 04, 2013
Dayna Morales
When one listens to Morales discuss the non-incident, it’s difficult to parse her language out from what one typically hears either via bullhorn on the street or a professional victim on a cable news network:
I am THOROUGHLY offended, mad, pissed off and hurt that THIS is what her kids will grow up learning and that I served in the Marines to keep ignorant people like them free. Sorry lady, but I don’t agree with YOUR lifestyle and the way you’re raising your kids, but you don’t see me throwing that in your face and giving you shitty service.
Predictably, the heterosexual members of the Religion of Victim Glorification chimed in to express contrition. “I beg your forgiveness for these ignorant people,” wrote one. Another, in classic leftist McCarthyite fashion, wished for the family to be so shamed that they would never want to leave their house again.
While the leftist faux victimhood movement is long and storied, Morales seems less motivated by money than by ideology. She at least claims to have donated her ill-gotten gains to the Wounded Warrior Project, a worthy cause that helps veterans.
The incident provides a window into the mob hysteria that has reached its apotheosis in the Obama coalition. At a time when fast food and retail workers are going out on strike and Seattle suburbs are raising the minimum wage to $15 per hour, Morales has taught us that the most bankable skill for the 21st century is a flair for self-promotion and framing oneself as an avatar of victimhood”for the proper “oppressed group,” of course.
Still, there’s one place where the casual observer can take comfort: We seem to be at, or at least rapidly approaching, Peak Victimhood. Entire business models of entire sectors of the media industry are currently built upon creating people like Ms. Morales and giving voice to their “cause.” At a certain point, public imagination becomes saturated both by the hate hoaxers who cry wolf and the endless screeching about how this, that, or the other totally innocuous thing is racist/sexist/whatever.
Civil-rights ambulance chasers and their enablers might have to learn how to make an honest living sometime soon.