October 10, 2024

Sean Combs

Sean Combs

Source: Bigstock

Was it the wrath of grapes, or just another New York Times fake news story? The full-page article was written by two mugs, a man and a woman, who even had the audacity to allow their byline to appear, surely a new low in mendacity of a nonstory. Needless to say it had to do with a black man, not surprisingly one accused of rape, abduction, violence—you name it, he’s done it against women. Step forward the Diddler, aka Puff Daddy, or Sean Combs.

The Times coverage of black artists, black athletes, black politicians, and even black criminals (in a very positive way, mind you) takes up most of its pages. Here’s the article’s opening line on Puff Daddy: “In the 2000s, few events held the cultural cachet of the White Party given by Sean Combs…” Cultural cachet? Where do these two morons writing such outrageous garbage come from? Deepest, yet undiscovered, Africa, or another planet altogether? Puff Daddy and culture are like comparing the Gulag archipelago to a wellness retreat in Palm Beach. Sean Combs was, is, and always will be a violent criminal whose parties were attended by lunch-bucket pilferers, assorted body snatchers, smiling wallet lifters, and bald-faced phonies, not to mention out-and-out gangsters and killers. Yet because of the color of his skin, the mendacious Times compares his parties to some 19th-century Vienna ball attended by nobles and aristocrats. Thankfully, for those who are dumb enough to read the Times, there were accompanying pictures that somehow contradicted the ass-licking tone of the piece: Mostly black people in white, the only one I recognized was that arch hustler and proven liar Al Sharpton, a man as far as I know not related to Prince Metternich or the Princes Schoenburg.

“The shameless gimmickry, smuttiness, and stupidity of such writing does not need any explaining; it’s pure Times.”

Never mind. Here’s Puff Daddy’s response to some rude comments about his parties: “It’s disappointing to see the media and social commentators twist these unique cultural moments into something they were not.” This sentence must have been heavily edited, because the one time I had the bad luck to hear this bum talking, I was anchored in St. Tropez and his ghastly rental gin palace dropped anchor next to me, and I could hear him using the f-word before, after, and in the middle of every word. He then goes on, always according to the mendacious Times, “that shaming celebrities who attended, taking videos and photos out of context, and trying to link these events to false allegations is simply untrue.” Good for you, Puffy, not a single f-bomb; my, how you’ve changed.

His lawyer has stated that although an imperfect person, Puffy is not a criminal. If his lawyer says so it must be true, and I must be mistaken. But I’m writing about the ghastly Times, not the rapist-cum-beater of women and crypto-homosexual. The bloodhounds are trying to sniff out who the A-list man in bed with Puff Daddy is, in noble pursuit of the truth. It makes one rather ashamed to be called a journalist, but such are the joys of modern American culture, and that goes for Britain also. (The Brits are even worse, pretending to be shocked, shocked at such goings-on.) That Puff Daddy had a broad reach is undeniable, but reaching for celebrities isn’t exactly the same as reaching for cultural cachet. The Hamptons, where most of the White Parties took place, are dotted with private clubs, beach clubs, tennis clubs, and gentlemen’s clubs. They are necessary in order to keep out hoi polloi, or down-and-dirty scoundrels like Puff Daddy. And I would bet my bottom dollar that not a single person belonging to any of the proper clubs in the Hamptons has ever set foot in one of Puffy’s orgies, cultural cachet or no cultural cachet.

In an era of insane disinformation, this description of Puff Daddy’s parties stands out for its mendacity and slavishness to celebrity. It’s like comparing a paintball-gun-splatter paint job to an El Greco. But leave it to the Times to euphemize a black gangster’s torture of women. Imagine if a Trump voter had been accused of similar horrors; the Sulzberger gang would have run out of newsprint with special editions.

And another thing: This unmentionable antiwhite and anti-right sheet accused Trump last Sunday of planning to seek revenge against his enemies in case he wins the presidency. What I find amusing is that the accusation fits exactly what the Biden administration has done to Trump by dragging him through court after court and trying to bankrupt him with fines. In other words, what the administration has already done to Donald Trump, the Times is predicting a newly elected Donald will do to his opponents. It is like listening to children arguing who did what to whom. And there are people who still take the Times seriously.

More quotes from the Times about Puff Daddy’s parties: “No invitation was more coveted than one to a White Party, which Mr. Combs began to stage in the late 1990s. They were lavish, orchestrated events with the high-society set at gatherings. The dress code and decor—all white—suggested a certain pristine simplicity.” The shameless gimmickry, smuttiness, and stupidity of such writing does not need any explaining; it’s pure Times. It is also pure Puffy. I hope this preening, odious egomaniac gets what he deserves, but I doubt it.


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