May 04, 2012

New York's Central Park

New York's Central Park

But back to those mentally atrophied types who confuse conversation with connection. A big city can be a very lonely place, but it seems to have gotten lonelier for those who are unable to be alone unless they are constantly connected. What has certainly gotten worse—if it ever existed among Noo Yawkers—is the art of conversation. Among the young, fuggedaboutit. They can barely manage a grunt. Laptops, iPads, and mobile phones get in the way. Communication has been dumbed-down to a degree that only severe stroke victims can comprehend what anyone’s saying.

Imagine a modern version of Casablanca with Rick texting his faithful Dooley Wilson, “Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine.” Or Rick writing to Ilsa, “Here’s looking at you, kid.” It is as absurd as some of those ludicrous people I see texting in the park daily. Being online is being out of touch, and for the life of me I cannot understand why anyone would want to be on Facebook. It’s bad enough to be pursued by children and wives for acting like a normal man acts without posting it for all to see.

Connecting emotionally is what it’s all about—at least with friends or with women—and looking at smart phones will not cut it. Get unconnected and start living.



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