November 28, 2024
Benjamin Netanyahu
Source: Bigstock
“We are entering an autocratic, or at least authoritarian, American future.” So wrote some bald-faced phonies in The New York Times, but they would, wouldn’t they? I find the idea that a parent once gave a word processor to a son or daughter who now writes for the Times one of the most shocking cases of child abuse. Everything that has to do with the Times nowadays is abusive, especially where facts and the truth are concerned. Unleashing entirely fabricated stories has now become a specialty for the paper, the latest being one that headlines Trump’s win was a squeaker. I often wonder what goes through a hack’s mind when ordered to blatantly lie.
Washington Post and Los Angeles Times hacks who put out hard left propaganda until earlier this month are now contemplating the importance of hearing from both sides. Not so The Noo Yawk Times or The Noo Yawker. Bagelites hate Trump and working Americans, hence the puppets at the helm of these two cesspools have ordered nonstop loathing to seep from their pages. On the idiot box, MSNBC and CNN viewership is in free fall, but I know my hacks. I would say 90 percent of journalists are lefties, hence they’ll be back to their old lies before you can say “Russian collusion.”
One CNN female hack reported how she saw “fellow reporters crying and hugging in the hallways….” Does anyone really believe that the crying jags will cease once Trump begins to govern? The crying jag will become the lying game, c’est tout, as they say in the land of cheese. The good news is that the media landscape is quite different from how it was when I was a fresh-eyed columnist learning the ropes. It is filled with more options, hence the audiences who have departed will not be coming back anytime soon. The lefties have only themselves to blame because, as a wise man who should never have gone to the theater once said, you can’t fool all the people all of the time.
The latest wailing by the media is regarding Trump’s promise to carry out “mass deportations.” Although most Americans recognize that there is nothing at all offensive about the idea of removing those who have entered illegally, the media see it as sacrilege and a Trump-induced horror. The hand-wringing by the hacks makes one want to throw up. One CNN female fantasizes about having the military open fire on her as she shields illegal immigrants. Is this journalism?
And then there is the irresistibly abominable Netanyahu, lauded as the greatest leader since Napoleon by the pro-Israel media over here. Netanyahu, labeled a war criminal by the International Criminal Court, has called the arrest warrant anti-Semitic. So what else is new? Any criticism of Israel since October 7, 2023, is instantly labeled anti-Semitism, and the ploy is working. It is hard to criticize the slaughter—in fact, the genocide—going on in Gaza and on the West Bank as I write, when the response is an accusation of anti-Semitism.
Yet the plain fact is that after the Hamas outrage of October 7, 2023, the Israelis have had more than their pound of flesh; they’ve had ten tons of it and more—unless you change the moral standing of genocide, that is. The numbers are horrendous. If 17,000 Hamas fighters have been killed, the 33,000 other dead are women, children, and old men. In the West Bank hundreds of Palestinians have been murdered by Israeli settlers, and of course in Beirut, where numbers of dead, wounded, and crippled for life are impossible to number correctly. But mentioning the innocents who have died is now deemed anti-Semitic by Israel’s backers in the American media and universities.
Then there is the war crime of starvation as a method of warfare, with Gaza a prime example. More than 200 mostly Arab journalists have been killed in the fighting, numbers that cannot be verified but, even if true, are ignored by the world’s media. So, am I correct in asking what the hell is going on? Is the Israeli lobby so powerful that the only voices against genocide are those of Muslim Americans? Israel’s lobby, working closely with Washington insiders such as Albright, Kagan, Abrams, Feith, and so on, has led Uncle Sam to fight wars in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Lebanon, yet any voice disputing the need for American blood to be shed in these places is immediately suspected of anti-Semitism and shut off.
It is no coincidence that since Netanyahu became prime minister, Uncle Sam has gone on a warpath in the Middle East and Africa. The Dutch have finally shown some gumption and declared that they will arrest him if he lands anywhere in Europe, but the Dutch are dreaming. Neither the Germans nor the Italians will, and the Hungarians have even invited him for a state visit. I love Viktor Orban, but someone must have put something mind-altering in his goulash. Mark my words: If Netanyahu ever ends up behind bars, the killing of innocents will suddenly drop like the proverbial lead balloon, and Uncle Sam will stop going to war in faraway places.