August 26, 2024

Source: Bigstock

Watching events unfold in England, as a dangerously polarized country edges ever closer to conflict, brings me no joy despite the fact I consider myself a victim of British political perfidy. Nothing that is happening there now surprises me; in fact, the only surprise is that it has taken the native English so long to take to the streets in anger.

It is virtually impossible to conclude that the situation that now presents itself will be resolved peacefully; once a government resorts to extrajudicial methods (such as banning protest and suggesting political dissent is synonymous with terrorism) in order to try to maintain the peace, you’ve already lost the battle. Ironically, faced with growing resistance to white rule, it’s what the Nationalist Party did at the end of apartheid, and it was loudly denounced in the British parliament. Now they’re doing it to their own citizens.

Regrettably, the deadline for conflict-free resolution passed many years ago when the number of migrants might have been more tightly controlled and limited to those applicants more inclined to assimilate into the indigenous culture and be more receptive to the fundamental values of the British people.

“The only surprise is that it has taken the native English so long to take to the streets in anger.”

History might well show us that the last chance was lost in late 2019 when Boris Johnson, despite a massive mandate from an electorate desperate for decisive action on immigration, proceeded to do little other than lock his country down for two years on a false premise, failed to remove the U.K. from the legal stranglehold of the European Convention on Human Rights [ECHR] and repeal the egregious 1998 Human Rights Act, and then added heft to escalating the war in Ukraine.

Instead, successive British governments have left the doors wide open to millions of foreigners who receive state benefits, who reject British culture, values, and history, and who maintain their separate political and religious identities. While all are far from militant extremists, 4 million Muslims (nearly 7 percent of the population of England) constitute a potential force for violent transformation, not to mention other ethnic migrant groups, notably from Africa.

Just how a populace repeatedly elects politicians who have resolutely led the country down the road to self-destruction is difficult to understand, but while guilt, stupidity, and apathy are important factors, I see this tragic conflation of events from a somewhat different perspective coming from where I do and having experienced what I have.

Having been born and bred in what was then Rhodesia, it was a galling and bewildering period of time in my young life, and that of many of my countrymen and -women, being exposed to a hostile world and scapegoated and scorned by a multitude of British politicians, journalists, and religious leaders who saw me as a “privileged” white member of a community that was endemically racist and prosperous only due to the suppression (invariably described as “brutal”) of black people.

This was simply not true. Most whites were very decent people, acutely aware of the fact that their future could only be assured if a formula was found for improving the quality of life of all races, and strenuous efforts in that regard were being made, but none of this mattered to the politicians riding the anti-colonial, anti-racist, anti-white bandwagon.

The problem for us then, as it is now for the rump of the British working class, is that the facts matter not; what is more important is political posturing, and this explains the current behavior of the Starmer administration, the press, and the clerics. All are committed to demonstrating their nauseating piety in defense of “minorities” and utter indifference to the plight of the people who have belatedly discovered they have lost their country and fear for the lives and future of their children.

Just as we, as a minority in Africa, were denied the opportunity to plead our case to the world, those in Britain who feel strongly about shutting the borders and better protection for them and their families are being arrested and imprisoned for voicing those fears under “hate-crime” laws. This silencing, which Elon Musk rightly compares to the way the Soviet Union was run (in the past year some 3,300 people have been arrested in the U.K. for social media posts), has increased frustration and exacerbated tensions; the knifing to death of three little girls in Stockport was the trigger that led to violent upheaval—not least because the authorities refused initially to provide any information about the killer, creating a media vacuum that fed intense speculation and helped to spawn conspiracy theories.

The response from the authorities to the recent riots was quick and harsh, and within days many of the so-called “far-right” perpetrators were behind bars commencing lengthy prison sentences. While they broke the law and deserve their punishment, opposition mobs, many armed, calling for the radical transformation of the country to fall more in line with their ideologies, appear often to be encouraged, protected, and condoned. Law enforcement appears to be far from evenhanded, and the prime minister has acquired the sobriquet “Two-Tier Kier” as a result.

Looking at this from afar, I believe it was politicians of precisely the same ilk—cowardly opportunists who vilified a productive European minority in Africa, destroyed them, and used their power and influence to bring Robert Mugabe to power—who wield power in Britain today. God help the good people of England!


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