October 04, 2013

U.S. Capital Building

U.S. Capital Building

Source: Shutterstock

The presidency is a powerful office, but it is a legacy position. No one in the Oval Office cares much for the man on the street today; they care about the man fifty years hence. What will “history” say of their rule? If thousands or even millions of contemporary citizens need to be sacrificed for burnishing a future bronze, well, those are the little folk upon which pedestals are cemented into place.

In America the right hand no longer need wash the left hand because they are equally filthy and each all too aware of exactly what the other is doing. Meanwhile, the promises flow and the people suffer.

Obamacare is the greatest disaster of our times thus far. It not only punishes the productive, it will go a long way toward shortening their lifespan.  It is perhaps the most colossally anti-Darwinian program in world history, worse than any other subsidy program that heretofore stole only money from the capable and did not take the final step of committing confiscatory murder.

A Third World army of the impecunious threatens to take advantage of this law and completely overwhelm their benefactors. Avariciously they glare at us from Asia, Africa, and Central America.

Some still claim the legislative process can save America. Given what happens when populists are elected, I am undecided. What I am certain of is that if representative democracy works anywhere, it is only in the House.

Senators lie to you, the court disdains you, and presidents ignore you. All are effectively beyond your ability to control absent some disastrous error on their part. Each office sees its restraints on power arising always from within and never from without.

However the House is still responsive to Americans. Two years is not too long to become unaccountable for one’s actions. It is also too moderately paid a position for politicians to become indifferent patricians.

Not all bills originating from the House of Representatives become law, but nothing becomes law until it passes the House. When immigration invasion legislation is introduced it must be stopped here and here alone.

Any failure to grasp this essential truth is to be ignorant of modern American politics. Remember this lesson in days ahead, for your life depends upon it.



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