September 02, 2024

Source: Bigstock

One of the lesser-reported consequences of the recent anti-immigrant race riots here in England has been the shock news that the nation’s many superintelligent Muslims are now seriously considering emigrating immediately. According to the little-known Harris Bokhari, who apparently advises the Government and Royal Family on the subject of race relations—and what a fine job he must have been doing of late!—there is a sudden “brain drain” of “really talented people” in djellabas and yashmaks now absconding to go and live in more mentally stimulating and intellectually tolerant lands abroad like Yemen and South Sudan, there to win their many future Nobel Prizes.

Unfortunately for Bokhari’s case, the only prominent Mecca botherer to have publicly raised the prospect of personally fleeing the U.K. post-riots so far is former Scottish First Minister Humza Yousaf (“Humza Useless” to his many critics), a man so thick he apparently doesn’t realize none of said riots actually occurred in Scotland at all, only England and Northern Ireland.

Also demonstrating his vast reserves of cerebral capacity was another highly obscure former U.K. Government adviser, Fiyaz Mughal, who declared he had finally “had enough” of the racism of white people, and so had decided to bolt elsewhere. “I want to go to Europe,” he said. Fiyaz may not be aware of this, but I believe several white people live there, too (at least for now).

“Even three of the celebrated Five Pillars of Islam, by which every Muslim is obliged to live their life, can retard your cognitive function.”

Little Gray Terror Cells
One incredibly intelligent British Muslim who definitely won’t be leaving anytime soon is Anjem Choudhary, a notorious extremist preacher who has just been sentenced to life behind bars due to his apparent leadership of various banned Islamist organizations. Choudhary was often presented as a kind of criminal mastermind, but if so he may have been less Professor Moriarty, more Mohammad Ashan, the Taliban terrorist who memorably gave himself up to U.S.-backed Afghan forces in 2012, handing in a “WANTED” poster of himself before claiming a $100 “finder’s fee,” then trying to walk away with it.

One of Choudhary’s former outlets was called Sharia4UK, which sounds like something a groomed teenage London schoolgirl would write on her pencil case before flying away to Nigeria to join Boko Haram. Choudhary’s bizarre manifesto included plans to melt the bronze lions in Trafalgar Square and transform them into giant cannons to defend London against the French, and tear down the “notorious fornicator” Lord Nelson from his nearby Column before placing continually self-replenishing cornucopia-like pots of gold beneath the vile structure in order to solve all poverty forever. If I remember correctly from reports at the time, he (or possibly another fellow nutty jihadi) also plotted to create something called an “Islamic biscuit factory” somewhere upon British soil, whatever that might actually be. Presumably its main specialty would be Lemon Kurds?

During one of Choudhary’s previous brushes with the mere Law of Man, jurors in the Old Bailey courtroom back in 2016 were exposed to many examples of him spouting cabbage-brained drivel. Especially memorable was his short film Khalifah vs. the World, which featured the following learned exegesis about unclean British infidels being quite literally covered in their own poo due to the unacceptably thin and slippery nature of certain brands of cheap, un-Islamic, U.K. toilet paper:

“You know, even now if you go to the toilets, you know, the public toilets, the lavatories here in England there’s [only] tracing paper, just rub it around [on your bum] and leave the toilet. Honestly, fecal matter everywhere in the public arena. It’s not just me saying that, there are surveys. They say that there is more fecal matter on the typewriter than there is in the toilet in the city of London. Why? Because people don’t clean themselves. They say, ‘Oh, look, these Muslims clean themselves [during ritual ablutions],’ of course we do…. I once gave a talk and I said Queen Elizabeth [I] used to have one bath a year. I gave this talk in a church, and there was a woman there at the front, an elderly lady, and she kind of shrieked at me. She said, ‘That’s a lie, she had two baths a year.’ Two baths a year. Okay, fair enough, twice as much, still doesn’t make it a lot, does it?”

But was Choudhary really such a colossal Koran-tard as his words implied? Possibly not. During the same trial, Choudhary admitted he actually made a habit of saying deliberately comical, extreme, or mad things as “bait” to gain attention from the public and media. Once he had done so, he would then proceed to make more serious arguments about transforming Britain into a full-blown sharia state, hoping to win serious converts to his cause by deliberately posing as a dickhead to reel them in first. So, maybe he wasn’t all that stupid after all. Maybe he was really quite clever.

As Bright as a Dutton
But what about Muslims in general? Are they really as superintelligent as those currently warning us that their very finest minds are about to flee Great Britain imply? To learn more, I got hold of a copy of the only full-length book I could find on Arab brains, Islam: An Evolutionary Perspective (AKA: Why Islam Makes You Stupid…But Also Means You’ll Conquer the World), written by a British-born Professor of Evolutionary Psychology named Edward Dutton. Dutton is a controversial figure who styles himself “The Jolly Heretic,” on the grounds that he enjoys investigating socially verboten ideas and areas of research. Forbidden ideas like what? Like the idea Muslims are morons!

Well, that isn’t quite what Dutton is saying. If he was, he wouldn’t have been able to be employed as a Research Associate at a Saudi Arabian university from 2021 onward, not least because, if all Muslims really were idiots, there wouldn’t be any universities in Saudi Arabia at all, not even ones offering degrees in Gender Studies or Travel and Tourism. It’s not as if he thinks Avicenna couldn’t write, or Al-Gebra couldn’t add up. I possess no expertise in the field of genetics whatsoever, so I cannot speak for the accuracy of the man’s conclusions. But what I can speak for is their sheer entertainment value; his book is certainly brave and outspoken.

Statistics demonstrate the average IQ of a white Westerner is 100, whilst that of the average non-white Muslim is a mere 84, which, Dutton explains, is about the same as that of “a low-level security guard.” Why might this be? Dutton’s best guess is that, with all its tedious rules, Islam fosters a low degree of environmental stimulation amongst those unfortunate enough to have to live under its sway, thus meaning that, quite literally, Islam makes its average adherent more stupid than average acolytes of most other faiths might be.

The Infamous Five
Even three of the celebrated Five Pillars of Islam, by which every Muslim is obliged to live their life, can retard your cognitive function, it transpires.

Salah (Prayer): Muslims have to pray to Allah five times per day, whilst facing East, toward Mecca. Although this makes them absolute geniuses at using a compass, it also wastes a significant portion of the day when they could be doing something more useful and cognitively creative, like reading books, kidnapping Jews, stoning apostates, or creating new forms of IED. Furthermore, the muezzin’s daily early morning call awakes the faithful too soon, disrupting the state of deep sleep in which dreaming occurs, which has been shown to adversely affect brain function.

Zakat (Charity): Good Muslims must donate 1/40th of their earnings to the needy amongst their fellow coreligionists, which may have an inadvertently dysgenic effect. There is a regular female Muslim beggar who continually squats in my town center begging for alms, and who ineptly attempts to win public favor by repeatedly shouting the words “Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!” at passersby, every single day of the year, not just during the festive season. By giving this worthless DNA-waster spare change, sympathetic Muslims allow her to fail to starve to death in the street outside Greggs whilst staring wistfully at the meat pies and donuts, as is only right, thereby blocking Nature’s Way and allowing her to potentially pollute the future Muslim gene pool with equally brain-damaged babies, to the long-term detriment of the entire ummah.

Sawm (Fasting): Muslims are supposed to ritually fast during Ramadan, the Holy Month of SlimFast. Pregnant women are potentially exempt, but ladies in the early stages of gestation may not actually know they are with child, so might fast anyway. Unfortunately, studies prove that lack of nutrition whilst in the womb can make a baby come out looking and acting like Greta Thunberg—one particular study cited by Dutton purported to prove that “15 percent of mental disability amongst Muslims can be explained by their mothers fasting in very early pregnancy.” Fun fact: Ilhan Omar’s mother was a Somali.

Kissing Cousins
Meanwhile, the secret Sixth Pillar of Islam, Child-Rape, is also detrimental to cognitive development, at least that of its victims. It is a noted fact that childhood trauma can reduce infant IQ levels by six points, which is why Oliver Twist didn’t have any GCSEs. A Jew made Oliver that way, but Muslim Fagins can perform this same service en masse by literally bumming small children’s brains out, not only via Pakistani grooming gangs in places like Rotherham and Telford, but over in Afghanistan, where a practice called bacha bazi, or “boy play,” is a favored sport amongst the Taliban. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the nation occupies a low position upon international educational league tables.

The prevalence of cousin-marriage amongst Mohammedans is also a problem. Dutton reveals that “children of Pakistani descent in the UK accounted for about 3 percent of births in 2014, but 30 percent of those born with genetic disabilities,” such as being Pakistani. Inbreeding has been found to cause a massive 20-point average decline in IQ levels. On the bright side, however, it does also cause quite a lot of stillbirths.

Yet being stupid provides its own benefits. According to medieval Islamic philosopher Ibn Khaldun, whose parents were evidently neither closely consanguine nor enthusiastic pedophiles, lesser, nonintellectualized civilizations like his own possessed a compensatory quality named asabiyyah, meaning something like “racial vitality,” or “ethnocentrism,” which would allow them to conquer and destroy the more culturally sophisticated yet morally degenerate, soft, and effeminate civilizations that opposed them, like Visigoths overwhelming late-era Rome.

Well, here in the West these days, these really are the sybaritic last days of Rome, aren’t they? And, as if to prove it, the latest demonstration of Muslim asabiyyah within our midst came over in the Province of Germania on 23 August when a Syrian asylum seeker with no probable postgraduate qualifications in Advanced Queer Studies allegedly went on a rampage with a knife at a festival in the city of Solingen, killing and hospitalizing several innocent, but doubtless academically better qualified, white European people in the apparent name of Allah.

The festival in question’s name? “The Festival of Diversity.” And the general response of many German politicians to this obscenity? To ritually parrot once again, like typical zombified progeny of Pakistani cousin marriage, that “Diversity Is Our Strength.”

And it’s the Muslims who are supposed to be the stupid ones here?


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