August 19, 2014

Source: Shutterstock

I can”€™t find any condemnation of this “€œracist”€ at the Nieman Journalism Lab yet, but I promise to keep checking back.

Having been thoroughly pitchforked by Nieman, the seemingly irony-immune “€œhypocritical douchecanoes”€ at Gawker, and the rest of the perpetually “€œoutraged”€ professional concern troll mob, Thought Catalog installed a new moderation feature, allowing the “€œcommunity”€ to vote down (i.e., ban, for all practical purposes) “€œoffensive”€ content. There goes Thought Catalog’s long-standing policy against censorship.

This feature didn”€™t go live in time to prevent yet another “€œcontroversy”€ from erupting the very next day”€”one that involves Taki’s very own Gavin McInnes.

Taki’s readers will have already guessed that McInnes”€™ Thought Catalog essays are among the few that genuinely qualify as “€œoffensive,”€ at least per the postmodern definition of “€œdisapproving of other people’s “€˜lifestyle choices.”€™”€

Not 24 hours after Anthony Roger’s “€œwhite supremacist”€ post hit the fan, AdWeek was reporting: “€œRooster [ad agency] CCO Gavin McInnes Asked to Take Leave of Absence Following transphobic Thought Catalog essay, boycott.”€

That essay, called “€œTransphobia Is Perfectly Natural,”€ has also been outfitted with a maze of warning labels. But you can read highlights guard-rail-free at McInnes”€™ own site, Street Carnage:

By justifying these [sex change] operations you are telling mentally ill gays, it’s okay to destroy their genitals. They have BIID and you”€™re encouraging them. That’s fucked up.


Getting more or less fired from your own ad agency”€”in fact, this whole “€œscandal”€”€” is awfully punk rock, so when I called Gavin for comment, I wasn”€™t surprised to hear that he wasn”€™t giving too many fucks about it all.

Gavin tells me he’s gained two thousand new Twitter followers overnight, and if he does leave Rooster for good, he”€™ll have more time to concentrate on his many other movie, TV, and writing projects anyhow.

He’s mostly pissed off that his critics are calling for boycotts of his ad agency and its clients. All this will accomplish, Gavin points out, is to jeopardize the livelihoods of dozens of individuals who had nothing to do with his essay”€”and who may even be just as offended by it as the progressive pitchfork brigade.

As for Gavin’s income?

“€œI”€™m rich,”€ he says bluntly.

I”€™m guessing Anthony Rogers isn”€™t, though. Frankly, he isn”€™t much of a writer, either. Maybe he should apply for a job at World Star Hip Hop.


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