November 19, 2015

George Soros

George Soros

Source: Shutterstock

That is what George Soros told the world in an interview with a Swedish newspaper only a year earlier, and nothing can reveal his true intentions better than this. Yet as it is, and even though most of his crimes are glaringly apparent, nobody has so far held him responsible for them.

So what to do with a brazen gangster who uses his enormous wealth to ensure that the White Race perishes eventually in blood and suffering? If I, as a simple German, would ever dare to openly state what he has stated, but thereby substitute my race with his, all hell would break loose. Hordes of politically correct public prosecutors would issue warrants, our “€œGuardians of the Constitution”€ (sic) would smoke me out of my burrow, a politically correct judge would condemn me in no time at all, and procedural thugs would tar and feather me, break my back on the wheel, quarter me, and string my bits and pieces to the lanterns in front of Parliament as a warning to all those who might ever dare to utter such a hateful statement as I have done.

Meanwhile, the negative consequences of the ghoul’s demented ploys are manifold. Inventing and fanning interracial conflicts, robbing the global community of fantastic amounts of money, and promoting a kind of Orwellian tyranny where hordes of dim-witted slaves will eventually serve a tiny elite are increasingly perceived by most reasonable people as an assault on their purses and guaranteed liberties alike. Small wonder, therefore, that distrust, disgust, and open enmity have been the result. Which in itself is a perfectly acceptable reaction, were it not that it also affects a multitude of decent, unobtrusive, and hardworking co-tribalists who are as far removed from the machinations and fleshpots of their so-called elite as you and I. Traveling in Israel while visiting distant relatives, I have repeatedly met lawyers, businessmen, and former IDF officers who are deeply concerned about the reckless exploits of the Likudniks, neocon Bolshies and their Wall Street minders, and corrosive institutions like the $PLC and ADL. One of my acquaintances, a former kibbutzim and present university professor, has written an entire book about the dispossession of Palestinian territory and its inherent danger, but to little effect.

So again, what to do? The answer is easy. It takes only an upright public prosecutor to issue a warrant for the gruesome ghoul’s arrest and consecutive trial. His statement in the Swedish newspaper alone, which clearly adds up to a forceful promotion of genocide, is in most European countries enough to put him for years behind bars. So perhaps someone steps out of the shadows and delivers justice as justice should be delivered.

All it takes is a man of honor and courage…not less, not more.


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