August 04, 2011

Giacomo Casanova

Giacomo Casanova

What is this thing about today’s roughness, anyway? Does a rough manner activate sexual cues? Not in my book, but don’t forget I’m of an age where trusted old-fashioned habits such as sweet-talking a lady into bed, not strong-arming her into taking her clothes off. One never made erotic allusions to one’s intended. One just did what one had to do—gently at first, and if it worked, one went all-out. Some of you oldies out there will get my drift.

Anyway, enough of this. I never feel at ease writing about sex. It’s far better to do it, but I’m intrigued by that disgusting DSK case—two liars in search of sucker justice; he paying for old sins, she looking for a payday to match her imagination. On one side it’s rich, powerful, male, and white; on the other it’s poor, helpless, female, and black. But in reality the latter has the advantage, what with the Noo Yawk black community coming to her help. DSK has all the lefty frogs and BHL on his side, BHL being even more disgusting and a phony than DSK. A plague on both their houses is an understatement.

I read the news back home and am appalled at the hatreds and smears of liberals hell-bent on connecting anti-Islam, anti-immigration, and anti-multiculturalism with the Norwegian tragedy. The disgusting New York Times and Washington Post, ditto. Yet it is they who are exploiting the mass murder, and their intolerance is the attitude that caused it, not ours. I am against immigration, against multiculturalism, against militant Islam, and calling me part of the problem that led to mass murder is like calling DSK a great seducer—an outrageous lie.

Otherwise it’s all hunky-dory. My daughter arrived onboard from Mykonos and my son from Paris. JT has a large dog that sprints up and down the deck, jumps on people and furniture, howls when other boats go by, and has made my life simply wonderful because people stay away. Cloudless skies, blue, blue waters, gentle breezes, and lots of pines are the order of the day.



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